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插销是一种扣拴。A bolt is a fastening.

他悄悄地把插销插上。He eased the bolt in.

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这门有一个弹簧插销。The door has a snap bolt.

带贯穿螺栓门栓的加固插销。Reinforced latch with through-bolted keeper.

塑料固定式插销锁,左右门均适用。Plastic dead bolt lock. RH and LH application.

他学着装窗上的玻璃和插销。He learned how to fix window glasses and latches.

于是她扒开门的插销,叫她进来。So she unbolted the door, and told her to come in.

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把梯子完全打开,锁住插销。Open the ladder fully and lock the spreaders in place.

我钻了个孔,好让固定插销穿过去。I bored a hole so that the fixing bolt would pass through.

不知道什么原因,我很适合当兵,就像一对插销那么合适。For some reason, I fit in the army like one of them round pegs.

安装手柄前请用安全插销锁下刀臂。Lock blade arm down with safety latch before installing handle.

用户在订货时须注明插销的电流、电压、结构形式。Please indicate the current, voltagestructrue of plug if ordering.

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这台录影机放音断断续续的,就插销接触不好。This video plays intermittent as a result of the poor contact of the plug.

卫生间隔间门从里面将门插销滑动到门栓里,将门锁住。Toilet compartment door is locked from inside by sliding door latch into keeper.

螺纹嵌入件在工厂安装以加固合页、插销和门挡。Threaded inserts are factory installed to secure door hinges, latch and door stops.

分析了插销焊接接头的组织和插销试样的断口形貌。Microstructure of the joints and fracture morphology of implant samples were analyzed.

橱柜或别的柜子剧烈晃动时,柜子的插销会松动打开。Latches on kitchen or other cabinets that will not hold the door closed during shaking.

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等到我走到了由三根圆木搭的台阶时,我听到了开锁、拉开门闩、去插销的声音。When I got to the three log doorsteps I heard them unlocking and unbarring and unbolting.

插销式钢管脚手架整架受力性能及安全性评价。Plug-pin steel-tube scaffold full size model test research and safety performance appraisal.

他匍伏在她门槛上对着冷酷无情的插销门栓倾诉哀怨。He stretched himself on her threshold and uttered his complaints to the cruel bolts and bars.