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特有女人缘的男人。He is really a ladies man!

但纽曼有他特有的优势。But Newman had unique advantages.

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机器特有的代码的例子Examples of machine-dependent code

我想,它给了伦敦一种特有的氛围。I think, it gives London its vibe.

这种风俗是这一地区特有的.The custom is unique to the region.

温柔是女人特有的武器。Blandness is women's special weapon.

没入对斯科特有任何操纵。No one manipulated Scott in any way.

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我才不想和小矮星彼特有什么联系!I don't want a connection with Pettigrew!

毛南族是广西特有的少数民族。Maonan is a peculiar minority to Guangxi.

这是英国苏格兰所特有的格子裙。This is unique to Scotland lattice skirt.

带着年轻政客所特有的殷勤。With the gallantry of a young politician.

玛尼石,藏地特有的圣物。Marnyi stone is a unique halidom in Tibet.

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都是中世纪伊斯兰的玻璃制品所特有的。are typical of medieval Islamic glassware.

或者说,它不像你们的特有城市。Or it's not really like your specific city.

猎狐是英国特有的运动。Hunting foxes is a peculiarly English sport.

莫札特有一个才华洋溢的音乐家父亲。Mozart had a talented musician for a father.

体系架构和系统特有的区别Architecture- and system-specific differences

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冯梦波同时保持维护了其特有的风格和意义。Feng Mengbo preserves both style and meaning.

杰克有一只黑猫,帕特有一只黑包。Jack has a black cat and Pat has a black bag.

至少你将能够听到南非球迷特有的加油装备“呜呜祖拉”的声音。At least you'll be able to hear the vuvuzelas.