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许多海外的资格可以获得AIA的免试。Many overseas qualifications attract AIA exemptions.

凡是通过第一次测试的人,第二次可以免试。Those who passed the first test are excused from the second one.

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得分高的学生期终考试可以免试。She produced an excellent piece of work in the final examination.

直接申请日本大学院可以免试入学。Great College can apply directly for the entrance examination in Japan.

美国的大学是从什么时候开始纳人免试人学制的?。When did open admissions begin within the university system in the United State?

第十二条适龄儿童、少年免试入学。Article 12 School-age children and adolescents shall be exempted from the entrance examinations.

在这一阶段的报考是属于临时性质的,最终的报考可能会根据免试评估的结果有所改变。Your exam entry is provisional at this stage and is subject to change based on the outcome of an exemption assessment.

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德国研究生实行免试入学,在招生过程中真正实行“导师负责制”。In Germany, the graduate enrollment has not examination, and it carries out the tutorial system in the process of enrollment.

中国语言文学专业毕业的本科生和研究生,可免试汉语类科目。Applicants who majored in the Chinese language as undergraduate or graduate students are exempted from taking Chinese examinations.

获得二等功的在他们完成义务服役后可以免试读研。Anyone getting a merit citation second class can enter grad school without taking the exam after completion of the service obligation.

我想申请免试,因为我只是一个旁听生,我拿不到学分,也得不到成绩。Being an auditor, i could not obtain score and credit hour from examination, I would like to apply for exemption from the examination.

如果是授权课程的学生,可以免试成为这些学会的会员。Graduates from the accredited courses will obtain full exemption from examinations for gaining membership of these professional bodies.

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随着九年义务教育的普及,小学毕业生全部免试就近入学。With the popularization of nine-year compulsory education, all the primary graduates can get in the secondary school to syady without exam.

有一天,杰克带着一位年轻的优秀球员去见院长,希望院方同意他免试入学。One day the coach brought an excellent young palyer to the dean of the college and asked that the student be allowed to enter without an examination.

本校与多所大学及专门学校签有合作关系,经本校推荐的学生,可以免试升入大学。With the recommendation of Yohan Japanese Language School in concert with some universities, students can enter the universities without taking an exam.

本校与多所大学及专门学校签有合作关系,经本校推荐的学生,可以免试升入大学。With the recommendation of Yohan Waseda Foreign Language School in concert with some universities, students can enter the universities without taking an exam.

后经规则修定,现在参加这技艺竞赛表现优秀的学生,有机会免试保送大学。After revisions in the regulations, all talented students that participate in this Skills Competition will have the chance to enter university without having to take exams.

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所以,如何完善我国现有的硕士研究生推荐免试制度,在发挥其原有功效的同时更好地体现教育公平,是我们面临的重要课题。Therefore, how to improve our existing exemption system, and play the original effectiveness and meanwhile better reflect the educational equity is an important issue for us.

普通高枝招收免试保送生是招生制度的一项特殊政策。Enrollment without requiring entrance examinations from candidates on recommendation is a special policy in enrollment system of higher learning institutions other than key universities.

中考对政治学科进行免试,并不意味着该学科的不重要。它作为学校德育工作主渠道的地位不会改变,说明中学政治课面临新的机遇和任务。The high-school entrance examination has freed stu de nts from the examination of politics, but its importance and position as the main channel of school ideological work have not denied and changed.