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他有时态度是粗鲁了一些,但不可讳言的是,他。He may be a bit rude sometimes, but let's face it.

奥巴马总统的预算蓝图对削减战争开支和刺激需求并不讳言。The president's blueprint is open about war costs and stimulus needs.

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在权力达到顶峰的时候,即使是在公开场合,奥田硕对这一观念也并不讳言。At the peak of his power, Mr. Okuda publicly was frank about that belief.

这是一个棘手的问题,因为女人使用吹风机,而吹风机是要耗电的,这一点我不想讳言。This is a tricky one, because women use hairdryers and hairdryers use electricity and I want to be fair.

但是,不容讳言,现阶段在未成年人道德教育问题上遇到了一定的“瓶颈”。The teenager is the national future, nationalitys hope, and its moral education have certain particularity.

而不容讳言的是,新约能否顺利签订,蒋介石的态度是决定性的关键。Frankly speaking, in abolishing all unequal treaties, Chiang Kai-shek's attitude was the decisive key point.

奥巴马不讳言-他眼下的目标是不仅要刺激经济,而且要改变其方针政策。Obama makes no bones about it -- his immediate goal is not just to stimulate the economy but to change its priorities.

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自由软体的历史虽然仅有二十馀年,惟不可讳言地,其于电脑软体发展的短暂历史上已具有不可抹灭的重要性。It is doubtless to say that the Free Software Movement has particular significance in the short history of computer software.

正如一位高级美国官员所,“无须讳言,我们利用峰会之机,强力督促有关国家有所表示。”As a senior American official put it, “we used the summit shamelessly as a forcing event to ask countries to bring house gifts.

不可讳言,家庭权正受多元价值、科技发展及无国界理论的冲击。However, Right to Family Life is challenged by the multi-value society, the development of technology and the Borderless Theory.

勿庸讳言,现在,社会上还存在许多不公平的现象,收入分配不公、司法不公,这些都应该引起我们的重视。There is no denying that we still face the problem of unfairness in many fields, including in income distribution and judicial system.

面对营商环境不断改变,黄志达不讳言无时无刻均面对作为设计师与经营者之间的矛盾。Facing the ever-changing business environment, Ricky said that he always had to deal with the dilemma between being a designer and a businessman.

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勿需讳言,在激烈的国际承包市场竞争中,我国的工程承包企业也暴露出了很多的问题。Admittedly, Chinese engineering contracting enterprises have been also exposed many problems in the cruel international engineering market competition meanwhile.

另外,本文自始至终都以较为客观、辨证的态度评价后村诗论,在充分肯定其价值的同时,也不讳言其中存在的疏漏和不足。In addition, the writer always values Hou Cun"s poetic theory dialectically . The worth and shortcomings of his poetic theory are both discussed in this thesis."

而这最坦诚的存在,这自我——它代言身体,却仍然讳言身体,即使在沉思、叫骂及鼓动它残破的双翼的时候。And this most upright existence, the ego -- it speaketh of the body, and still implieth the body, even when it museth and raveth and fluttereth with broken wings.

毋可讳言,现有的各种中国文学史和艺术史,在反映历代女性的艺术创造力以及评价女性的艺术成就方面,都程度不同地存在着欠缺和偏颇。However, the current China literature history and China art history are lack in expressing female artists' creation abilities and art achievements of past dynasties.

不必讳言,构建与社会主义市场经济发展相适应的经济道德体系,在当今尚属“号召”阶段。Needn"t avoid speaking, now it is still at the stage of "calling" to structure the economic moral system in conformity with the development of socialist market economy.

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李秀成本人并不讳言自己对第二次西征的消极态度,对湘军实力的估计始终左右着他在西征中的军事行动。Li did not conceal his positive attitude to this march in himself. His estimation to Xiang Army"s actual strength affected his military practice during the Westwards March."

首先,从胡适等人的自述来看,他们从不掩饰自己对清代朴学的好感,同时也不讳言承受了其遗泽。First of all, Hu Shih and others readme point of view, they never cover up their right in the Qing Dynasty Park to learn a good impression, while not denying suffered its left-ze.

他提倡“回归超党派国家安全的传统”,不过他也不讳言一党独大的好处。He advocates a “return to a tradition of nonpartisan national security,” though he is not shy about the benefits of one-party rule in allowing a president to “move on some big issues.”