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这次,田鼠逃过一劫。This time, the vole escapes.

草原田鼠却不会结成配偶。Meadow voles do not form pair bonds.

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草原田鼠就是其中之一。The prairie vole is one such animal.

也许这是一个田鼠,或一个大尾鼠少。Maybe it was a vole , or a big tail-less rat.

但是萨利认为田鼠则不一样。But Saari thinks that the voles are different.

所以,老田鼠一贯把猫头鹰视为天敌。So, the old voles always saw owls as predators.

田鼠不许她走到温暖的太阳光中去。She was not allowed to go out into the warm sunshine.

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像田鼠一样,我对自己的配偶非常忠诚。Like the voles, I have a strong attachment to my mate.

为什么草原田鼠不对彼此上瘾呢?So why do meadow voles not get addicted to each other?

田鼠的例子对人类的一夫一妻行为有什么样的提示呢?What if anything do voles tell us about human monogamy?

然而,它的表亲,山地里的田鼠,则是那种“打一枪、换一地”的家伙。His cousin, the montane vole, is kind of a hit-and-run guy.

冈比亚田鼠是从加纳船运到美国的。The Gambian rats were shipped to the United States from Ghana.

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关于爱情的科学传说始于田鼠。The scientific tale of love begins innocently enough, with voles.

当有了后代,一对田鼠会共同努力照料它们的后代。When they have offspring, the couple works together to care for them.

田鼠女人喜爱拇指姑娘,就好像她是自己的女儿。The field mouse woman loved Thumbelina as if she were her own daughter.

观察青海田鼠血清中鼠疫FI抗体动态。To observe the trends of plague FI antibody in serums of Microtus fuscus.

田鼠,田鼠,不要吃我的苗子,我侍奉你多年,你都不曾给我慰藉。Rat, Rat, don't eat my seeding, I serve you many years, you never help me.

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其实,猫头鹰是一种益鸟,它是田鼠的天敌。In fact, the owl is a beneficial bird, which is the vole's natural enemies.

1997年,田鼠在鼠类群落中占绝对优势。Absolute dominant species was M. brandti in rodent community during 1970-1997.

根田鼠犁鼻器、副嗅球结构亦存在性二型现象。Accessory olfactory bulb and vomeronasal organ of root vole is sexually dimorphic.