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这些统计数据令人心寒。These are frightening statistics.

任何纷争都只会让人心寒。Any disputes will only be chilling.

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那情景使我心寒。The sight sends a chill to my heart.

事实上,我对这个评论感到心寒。In facts, that was a chilling comment to me.

想到我们的国家变得这么腐败真令我心寒。It saddens me what a corrupt country we've become.

这是一个让人悲哀的故事,看过之后让我一阵心寒。This is an incredibly sad story which gave me chills.

还是有千千万万的情人都让你心寒?。Or would a thousand lovers still leave you cold inside?

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新源基地,这是一个令人心寒的故事巧妙地说。Base on new sources, this is a chilling story masterfully told.

我想这不管是怎么样都挺让人心寒的。I think that no matter how kind intimidating people is chilling.

我爱你和我都从这种令人心寒的,以王艳我爱你。I love you and I are from this kind of chilling to Wang Yan I love you.

“他的态度让我想到了黑手党,”他说,“我们好心寒。”“His attitude reminded me of the mafia,” he said. “It chilled our hearts.

在八月份,意大利总理西尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼收到了一封让他心寒的信。IN AUGUST Silvio Berlusconi, Italy’s prime minister, received a chilling letter.

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一个令人心寒的事实真相是,学生们很快就会发现,他们的期望纯粹是一种幻想。The chill truth is that students soon find their anticipations are a mere dream.

你想的美,你需要的是质量,而您希望的名称是令人心寒。You want beauty, you want quality, and you want a name that makes people shiver.

这部影片是折磨虐待的概要,也许能让S&M俱乐部的正规会员们心寒恐慌。The movie is a compendium of tortures that would horrify the regulars at an S&M club.

此时,我的心寒了,培养好李平成了我义不容辞的责任。At this point, my blood run cold, and Li Ping has become a better cultivate my bounden duty.

让我最心寒的是五个保守派大法官都自称天主教徒。What disappoints me most is that the five conservative justices are all soi-disant Catholics.

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美国民权联盟的杰米勒。贾弗形容备忘录为一份“令人心寒的文件”。Jameel Jaffer of the American Civil Liberties Union described the memo as a 'chilling document'.

他们所经历的无处不在的腐败事件大都是由政府操控的,这很令人心寒。Their stories of ubiquitous corruption, much of it at the hands of the government, were chilling.

破碎的啤酒瓶在脚下扎扎的被踏过,造成一种情感的让人心寒和反驳的冲击。Broken beer bottles crunch under foot creating a chilling and contradictory onslaught of emotions.