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建立时间限定。Set a time limit.

为什么要是使用限定的空间?Why use those confined spaces?

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这里有两种限定在制品数量的机制。These two mechanisms limit WIP.

班级人数限定在20名以内。Class membership is limited to 20.

限定发售,原单保证,只在日本发售,中国没有的!For sale in japan only. made in China.

唐时,互市未限定口岸。Tang, the trade is not limited to port.

用户可以限定谁可以看到她的简历。A user can limit who can see her résumé.

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这城堡限定由长子继承。The castle is entailed on the eldest son.

所有能多次限定的正则运算符都是贪婪的。All regex repetition operators are greedy.

他那巨大而有力的墙给空间做出了限定。His large and powerfull walls set a limit.

我限定自己每天只抽五支烟。I confine myself to five cigarettes a day.

它被用来限定“没有限定值”。It is used to specify "no specific value".

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我们应把我们的计划限定在自己财力所允许的范围内。We should tether our plan to our resources.

全新口味星冰乐只于七月限定推出。The new flavours are only available in July.

把白天的睡觉时间限定为20分钟,权当一个恢复体力的小盹。Limit daytime sleep to 20-minute, power naps.

限定你要做的事,反复的做。Narrow down what you do, and do it repeatedly.

在我看来,魔法应该被限定在那些与实际不符的事物上,兔子不可能生活在帽子里,从帽子里变出兔子就是魔法。Rabbits don't really live in hats. It's magic.

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看着国际电影片长度没有设限定。There is no limit on the length of each entry.

这幢房子限定由长女来继承。This house is entailed on the eldest daughter.

当然,还有一种15美元套餐,不过数据限定在250MB。Well, there's a 15-buck plan for 250MB of data.