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我希望你该留下陪客。I expect you to stay and eat.

如果走不开,至少陪客人走几步。When this is not possible, take the guest the first three steps.

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在日本,晚上陪客户应酬已经成为工作的一部分。“In Japan entertaining clients is a part of the job,” he explains.

客人关系职员应直接陪客人到房间。按照引客人到房间程序执行。Guest Relations will escort the guest directly to their room. Rooming procedure applies.

陪客户喝酒,酒精中毒,是否属于工伤?Can alcoholism as a consequence of drinking with clients be deemed a work-related injury?

散席后,主人要陪客人闲聊一会儿,但不宜太久。After dinner, the master wants to accompany thevisitor to chat a while, but not suitable too is long.

一天,我陪客户,后半夜才到家,看到她正在写什么东西。A late night, I came back home after entertaining my clients. I saw her writing something at the table.

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其实真正的“无辜者”是我自己,那些名字只不过是为了报销账单而虚构出来陪我吃饭的陪客们。The innocent is me, and the names weren't changed so much as invented to make it look as if I didn't eat expensive meals alone.

不过,简森在经常为海莉购买鲜花和珠宝的同时,还时常在周末外出,他当时的借口是去健身馆陪客户健身。Jason, who regularly bought her flowers and jewellery, often went away at weekends, telling her he was training clients in a gym.

胆小鬼下厨做菜,让老婆陪客人喝酒,有盘菜用盐多了,他老婆又骂开了。Coward cook cook, leaving their wives to accompany guests to drink, there are many dish with salt, and his wife opened the box and cox.

大冬天里陪客户学车,后来车陷进水坑里,我们就脱了鞋,到冰水里去推车。The client is accompanied to learn a car in big winter, car defect enters water hole later in, we took off a shoe, go in glacial water go-cart.

每天的午餐和晚宴时段,会有两名舞伎表演歌舞,并陪客人吃一顿传统的京式怀石料理。Every lunch and dinner time will have two dance Ji song and dance performances, and the guest to eat traditional Beijing type kaiseki-ryori isn't.

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月好指酒馆一班姑娘的工作是陪客人饮酒,所以须准备解酒汤给她们,否则被灌醉了,随时会被占便宜。Good month refers to pub one girls job is to drink with customers, so must prepare soup therapy to them, or be drunk, at any time will be cheaper.

作为主人,你的职责是陪伴客人,如果你希望为聚会提供精美的食物,不如请专业的餐饮服务商来代你准备吧,这样你才能腾出空来陪客人呀。Your job as host is to be with the guests – if you want a fancy food, considering hiring a caterer to do the preparations while you're with the guests.

有些咖啡店的侍者穿着女仆的服装陪客人玩儿时游戏,有些主题公园模拟学校自助食堂和六十年代客厅。There are cafes where waitresses dressed as maids play childish games with customers, and theme parks that recreate school cafeterias and 1960s living rooms.

在楼上四海春茶馆喝茶的闲汉子,俯身临河一面窗口,可以望到对河宝塔边“烟雨红桃”好景致,也可以知道船上妇人陪客烧烟的情形。Idlers drinking tea in Four Seas Teahouse, if they leaned out of a window over the river, had a fine view of "misty rain and red blossom" by the pagoda on the other shore.

他们也同样记录了年轻歌舞伎演员们的艰难生活——白天在舞台上辛苦演出,晚上则为了取悦客人而陪客上床。They likewise immortalized the hard lives of the "tobiko" or fly boys, traveling young kabuki actors who had to labor on stage by day and please their clients in bed by night.