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宁愿孤独终老,也不委屈求全。Would rather die alone, don't compromise.

就像是断尾求全,反反复复多少次。Like a tail perfection, repeated many times.

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她做任何事情都想求全。She aims at perfection in everything she does.

非常委屈求全的向中国表示最大善意。Aggrievedly he expressed well intention to China.

不求全身而退,只求留有全尸。Not seeking to get out, just leave the whole body.

一个人委屈求全去邻一个城市的目的难道只是想忘记以前吗?But, object that can remember a previously, is visible before the eyes a little also.

五道菜的宴席是布什当总统以来第一次要求全…The five-course banquet was the first in Mr Bush's presidency to demand a white tie dress code.

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一味的求大求全或视品牌维护为做秀的企业,很难找到品牌的归属感。The enterprise blindly seeking the big aim or brand maintenance is difficult to find a brand sense of belonging.

很多人打算开始一种新习惯的时候因为不够完善的计划和一次性贪多求全而失败了。Many people fail when they decide to create new habits because of poor planning and trying to do too much at once.

一方面,在选书时,我们求全,求新,求有代表性和前瞻性。On the one hand, we demanded completion, updatedness, representativeness and farsightedness in selecting the books.

美国批示官求全训斥巴基斯坦的部族地域为激进分子供给了出亡所,使他们有机缘从头武装,并筹谋新的袭击。S. commanders have blamed safe havens in Pakistani tribal areas for giving militants space to re-arm and plan attacks.

每当他爸爸老豆想要求全他做错事的时辰,豆豆总能设法子为自己辩护。Whenever his father, Mr. Dou, tries to blame him for his wrong doings, Dou Dou can always find ways to defend himself.

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如果家族中有单独出现的乳腺癌病例,你可以随时要求全科医生进行检查。If there have been isolated incidents of breast cancer in the family, you can always consult your GP for an examination.

辽师学生的求全心理高于大医和轻工的学生。而在对考试后果的担忧上学校类型主效应不显著。" bad test environment " and " ask for perfection " shows level significance of sex. girls are higher than boys in environment influence.

“政治是在可能限度范围之内求全的一种艺术”这句话就是对这些狂热的妄自尊大的领袖们和乌托邦空想家们说的。It is to those fanatic and megalomanic leaders and utopian visionaries that the phrase "politics is the art of the possible" is addressed.

如果百感委屈仍不能求全,如果呼喊了千万遍依然得不到回应。那么聪明的你应知道,是该走的时候了。If the grievance can not demand perfection Baigan, cry a thousand times if still not responding. So smart you should know, is the time to go.

就连求全最积极的死刑拥护者中国,也开始计划限制死刑犯人数,并通过推广注射行刑的方式增条人道主义色彩。Even China, the world's most avid executioner , is seeking to limit the death penalty and make it more humane—by using more lethal injections.

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教学研究型大学往往因求高、求大、求全,工作重心容易出现偏差。Teaching-research-type universities tend to drift off their main course as a result of seeking higher level, larger scale and comprehensive disciplines.

正当人民呼求全能的天主,保护存款的人所寄存的财宝绝对安全时。While they were praying to the All-powerful Lord to protect the deposits of the Temple and keep them safe for those who entrusted them to the High Priest.

因方程含一阶转点,所以求全域一致有效且达到薄壳理论精度的完全渐近解较为困难。However, it is difficult to find the uniformly valid and fully asymptotic solution within the accuracy of theory of thin shells because of the turning point in the equation.