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我们听说斯巴达在出征路途上。We heard Sparta was on the warpath.

能代表国家出征总是让我非常高兴。I'm always glad to represent my country.

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刘翔领衔中国队出征大邱世锦赛。Liu Xiang spearheads Team China to Daegu meet.

之后李舜臣决定带领一半的板屋船出征。Adm. yi sun-sin decided to lead half board house boat.

春秋战国时代,一位父亲和他的儿子出征打战。The Warring States era, a father and his son off to fight.

下周就起程,犒赏三军出征!I will hold the military parade and we must depart next week!

春秋战国时代,一位父亲和他的儿子出征打战。In ChunQiu era, there is a father and his son going for a war.

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最终唐太宗决定暂时停止这次出征。In the end the Emperor decided to temporarily stop the expedition.

独行侠式的英雄,为真理出征,挑战腐败的体制?Lone hero crusading for the truth against a corrupt Establishment?

她笔直地站着,如同一位送子出征的母亲。She stood still as a mother seeing off the son heading to the battle field.

作为中国出征奥运的三名女子选手之一,她将与张怡宁并肩作战。She will play alongside Zhang as one of three members on China's women's team.

第一个骑手则在他最终到达的驿站上等待下一次出征。The first rider stayed at his last station until it was time for his next job.

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比尔·福克斯有着球队历史上第三高的俱乐部出场纪录,他为曼联出征683场比赛。Bill Foulkes holds the third highest number of appearances for the club at 683.

拉达梅斯希望出征胜利,就可替阿伊达赎回自由并娶她为妻。Radamès dreams that victory in the war would enable him to free her and marry her.

这一名称出自蒙古圣祖成吉思汗出征时所携之武器名。The tour is named after the weapon carried by Genghis Khan, the Mongolian emperor.

也许其他球队宁愿选择苏格兰,也是因为他们著名的随队出征的球迷们。Maybe others would also rather have Scotland for the famous fans who travel with them.

然而,卡佩罗取消球员出征的资格,却并不一定是出于同情。Capello's sidelining of footballers, however, is not necessarily founded on compassion.

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这一次他能够代表美国队出征真是一件非常好的事情。We played an intra-squad scrimmage and it was a better game than the NBA All-Star game.

我很享受每一次和英格兰U21队一同参加比赛的经历。我已经迫不及待想出征丹麦了。I always enjoy it when I go away with the England U21 squad and I can't wait for Denmark.

曹操一气之下,命他立即出征,借敌人的刀杀了祢衡。Cao, infuriated, ordered him to the battle front, hoping the enemy's sword would kill him.