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他们全数没有预订的吗?Are they all non-reserved seats?

你们全数代价都是本钱加运费安全费代价。All your prices are on C. I. F. basis.

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的抵押金可全数退还。All deposits for holiday cottages are refundable.

他们获得了三个角球,但全数被德罗巴以头球解围。They won three corners all of which Drogba headed away.

政府如提出要求,我必须立即全数清还有关债项。On demand , I shall forthwith repay the Indebtedness in full.

你也可以整个开始使用或禁用全数键位加快。You can also globally enable or disable all key acceleration.

吉沙。卡索尔-休斯在一天以内就把他的全数镜头都拍完了。Keisha Dastle-Hughes filmed all of her scenes in just one day.

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你上学迟到了,以是你没有瞅见工作的全数颠末。You came late to class, so you're not seeing the whole picture.

那么盼望明年的收成和羊毛会全数给你作补偿。Then the next year's crop and fleeces may repay you to the full.

今日是妈妈节,瑞奇店的所有首饰全数折价发售。Today is Mother's Day and all the jewellery is on sale at Rich's.

查韦斯抨击罢工人士是怠工者,全数解雇。Mr Chá vez denounced the strikers as saboteurs and sacked them all.

“我不能马上全数偿付,你可以拿张期票。”他说道。"I can't pay it all at once, you must take an I. O. U. , " said he.

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预订必须作全数付款方为确实,只接收现金付款。Full payment is required for a valid booking. Only cash is accepted.

如果再违反规定,有争议的部分将会被自动全数扣除,他补充说道。After that, the full amount will automatically be deducted, he added.

请等待页面全数读取完毕再行点阅缩图观赏。Please wait for all page loading done, then click the picture you like.

这位右投手再面对投四名打者,全数让他们进站垒包。The right-hander allowed the first four batters he faced to reach base.

我想把全数汇款换成美圆电子学习机。I'd like to convert the full amount of the remittance into U. S. dollars.

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今年度WWDC的入场门票于八日内全数售与五千多名开发人员。This year's WWDC sold out in a record eight days to over 5,000 developers.

到今朝截止,分类打叠整顿应该已完成为了,不管怎么说,你应该已知晓了全数。Sorting should be settled by now, anyway, you should know all this already.

政府如提出要求,本人必须立即全数清还有关债项。On demand by the Government, I shall forthwith pay the Indebtedness in full.