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结果他被叶公瑾的暗器杀死。As a result, he was killed by leaf GongJin concealed weapon.

飞镖暗器之一。亦称脱手镖。是古代战场上常用的一种暗器。A kind of hidden weapons, which are also called darts out of the hand.

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而以石头为暗器的定是另有其人。But take rock as concealed weapon of perch is have another its person.

韩冷小心翼翼地凑上去,里面并没有冒出毒烟或者暗器。Han Leng gingerly gathers together up, the inside has never come out poison smoke or concealed weapon.

“女子上阵多邪术暗器”是常见警句。女将往往暗藏着神奇的宝贝兵器,以弥补性别劣势。It is a common aphorism that a woman usually has black magic or hidden weapon when she goes into battle.

在互联网时代之前,汉子被甩后可能会对着前女友的相片掷暗器,以资泄愤。In the pre-Internet age, the dumped boyfriend may have expressed hellos anger by throwing darts at her photo.

我和月影对视一眼,明白要想暗器停止除非暂停打斗。I copy to understand and think that the concealed weapon stops towards seeing one eye, with month unless stop to fight.

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萨布巴不满足于单纯凭借自己的赛车技巧,于是他在车上装备了一系列华丽的非法暗器。Not content to rely solely on his own racing skills, Sebulba outfitted his Podracer with a number of blatantly illegal surprises.

一般来说,武林中练暗器的是用防身,在迫不得已的情况下制敌人于死地。Generally speaking, we practice hidden weapon for defending, but in some cases, we have to use the hidden weapon to kill the enemy.

也就是说要有功力,没有深厚的功力做基础,打出去的暗器就没有力度,不起任何作用。That means it needs your profound exploit as basic, if you throw the hidden weapon without any power, it cant give any effect ions.

谎言往往成为遮盖罪行的隐身衣,攻击他人暗器、普遍存在于诉讼过程之中。Lies which become invisible cloak that can cover the crime and become hidden weapons attacking others always exists lawsuit process.