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预备,唱Ready, sing.

一,二,预备,起One, two, ready, go.

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预备,一,唱Here we go, one, sing.

创建一个预备启动盘。Create an alternate boot disk.

皮特和队友预备开始。P7. Pete and his team get set.

这次八国峰会预备会议于星期天结束。The G8 meeting wraps up Sunday.

全部以齿轮连起在而且上面预备跳跃!All geared up and ready to jump!

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我去原是为你们预备地方去。I go to prepare a place for you.

芝加哥国语福音营预备及报名。May 24-26, Mandarin Gospel Camp.

您预备签字挂帐吗?Would you like to sign for that?

制片人做了很多预备工作。The producers did their homework.

我知道你要预备来向我道喜了。I knew you would be wishing me joy.

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还有好多预备工作要做。There is a lot of ground work to do.

1952年,预备工程开始了。In 1952 the preparatory period began.

运动员正在为比赛做预备活动。Players limbering up before the game.

我们必须为客人预备一个房间。We must prepare a room for our guest.

是的,苹果派可以预备供应/享用了。Yes, the apple pie is ready to serve.

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宴会的预备工作现在都已就绪。Everything is ready now for the party.

我们预备一次毕业后的旅行吧!Letwouls plan an after-graduation trip!

我们现在正在做前期的预备工作。?。Now we are indulged in preparation work.