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他领有一笔政府发的伤残抚恤金。He has a disability pension from the government.

他拥有一笔政府发的伤残抚恤金。He has a discompetency pension from the government.

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他没得到抚恤金,利弗西,想想我们生活的这个可恶的年代!He has no pension, Livesey. Imagine the abominable age we live in!

万能型允许你随意调高或调低保费和死亡抚恤金。Universal allows you to raise or lower your premiums and resulting cash balance.

你的死亡抚恤金是人寿保险和保险单账价值的总量。Your death benefit is the amount of life insurance plus the policy Account Value.

而NHS的梅德韦、肯特分处,已经在向抚恤金领取者提供性方面的建议。And the NHS in Medway, Kent, have even started producing sex advice to pensioners.

当地一些商人提议向地震受害者筹集抚恤金。Some local businessmen proposed to raise a comfort fund for the earthquake victims.

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艾滋病雇员去世后,企业又为其家属提供一定的抚恤金。AIDS after the death of employees, their families and businesses to provide certain benefits.

追索赡养费、扶养费、抚育费、抚恤金、医疗费用的。Claiming alimony, costs of support or upbringing, pensions for the disabled and medical expenses.

拉斯维加斯常年吸引那些退休领抚恤金的人来玩老虎机的名声远扬。Las Vegas has a reputation for attracting pensioners who come to while the day away at slot machines.

新的保险条例规定因公伤残者将得到更多的抚恤金。The new insurance rules speculate that the disabled FOR the public benefit are to receive more money.

许多失业的美国人还失去了退职抚恤金,其积蓄也即将消耗殆尽。Many out-of-work Americans have lost unemployment and severance benefits and are depleting their savings.

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当天在金边展开哀悼仪式,死者家属和伤者获得抚恤金。Started the day mourning ceremony in Phnom Penh, families of the deceased and the injured received pensions.

大联盟的形成还带来了相应的一些重大决策,如抚恤金体系改革和加派部队到阿富汗。The coalition has even taken a few brave decisions, such as pension reform and sending extra troops to Afghanistan.

也发现如果我在怀孕时死去,孩子的父亲将不会得到我的抚恤金,因为我们没有结婚。I discovered while I was pregnant that if I died, the father of my child wouldn’t get my pension if we weren’t married.

莫把我们以生命换来的抚恤金统统送给外国用来建立金钱媚政外交上,令人痛心!Do not put us in exchange for the lives of all pensions to foreign money used to create political and diplomatic Mei, sad!

抚恤金一经政府签署,债权债务的法律关系就以民事的法律关系确立。Pensions, once signed, legal claims and liabilities on the relationship between civil law in order to establish relations.

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美国人的错误是通过村长老向他们解释,因此他们只提取了一些抚恤金或者说补偿。The Americans' error was explained to them by village elders, so they fetched out what they term "solatia", or compensation.

本田希望到2020年它能够便宜和有足够的能力帮助领抚恤金的人和护士做一些简单任务。Honda hopes that by 2020 the robot will be cheap enough, and capable enough, to help pensioners and nurses with simple tasks.

当被从一家大硅谷公司伙伴关系处总监被裁后,他获得了一笔不小的抚恤金。He received a generous pension when downsized from his job as director of partner relationships for a large Silicon Valley company.