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她骄傲地展示上身,却仔细掩藏了下体。She shows her topsides, hides her bottom.

处女下体颜色很浅,非处女下体颜色很深。Virgin lower body color is light, non-virgin deep lower body color.

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不可露你母亲的下体,羞辱了你父亲。Do not dishonor your father by having sexual relations with your mother.

原叶体是腐生的,不规则分枝的地下体。The prothalli are saprophytic, irregularly branched, subterranean bodies.

上坛的路,不可筑成阶梯的样式,免得上祭坛的时候,给人看见下体。And do not go up to my altar on steps, lest your nakedness be exposed on it.

你们都不可露骨肉之亲的下体,亲近他们。我是耶和华。No one is to approach any close relative to have sexual relations. I am the Lord.

一次争吵之后,辜某竟一气之下拿起菜刀对自己的下体砍了下去。During one of these quarrels, a furious Gu cut off his penis with a kitchen knife.

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于是他们用无花果的叶子为自己编织了裙子,来掩饰下体。So they used fig leaves for their weaving a skirt Son, to cover up the lower body.

让他扭转他的下体成半跪姿式,从后面插入。Have him shift his lower body into a half-kneeling position, entering you from behind.

我的手慢慢地滑向你的跨部,开始抚弄你那已经肿起来的下体。My hand works its way down to your crotch and begins to fondle your huge, swelling bulge.

他在瓶子里灌满热水,然后用脚将它塞进我的下体。He filled the bottle with hot water and then pushed it into my private parts with his foot.

你上我的坛,不可用台阶,免得露出你的下体来。Neither shalt thou go up by steps unto mine altar, that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon.

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女人做变性手术,下体是怎么解决的?可以做出男性生殖器?The woman becomes metamorphic operation, how is private parts solved? Can you make male genital ?

帕德瑞夫斯基俯下体去,用左手在键盘上弹奏低音部分。Then leaning over, Paderewski reached down with hellos left hand and began filling in abass part.

对于很多女性而言,任何人想看她们的下体会让她们感到犹豫且害怕。For most women, the thought of anyone looking at us “down there” is loaded with hesitation and fear.

似乎女性对她们下体最大的问题就是她们是否正常。It seems that one of the biggest concerns that women have about 'down there' is whether they are normal.

日军军医生判断八重的下体已经腐烂,必须切去才能保住性命。The Japanese army doctors to determine eight heavy nakedness has decay, and must be cut to to keep life.

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我本不想告诉你,可是一夜又一夜,我一直闻着你某个情妇下体的气味。I didn't want to tell you, but night after night I've had to breathe in the groin of some mistress of yours.

如果活水用完了,可以使用桶和杯子来取水,将水用力浇向你的下体。If running water is not available, use bucket and mug to draw water. Empty it forcefully towards your bottom.

在胎鼠成纤维细胞饲养层条件下体外传代培养小鼠胰腺干细胞。To in vitro subculture mouse pancreatic stem cells under the condition of embryonic fibroblast feeder layers.