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她搅乱了他的安宁。She troubled his peace.

他或许会将头发梳齐,也可能将其搅乱。He'll smooth or mess up his hair.

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别企图把基本问题搅乱了。Don't try to becloud the basic issues.

这则坏消息搅乱了我们的会议。The bad news disrupted our conference.

在梯度手风琴能搅乱。Gradient accordion pleating at ruffles.

所以我和老公的新完全被搅乱了。So I and my husband has been totally disrupted.

那些搅乱治安的人须受到惩罚。Those who disturb the peace should be punished.

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她的脸,如夜雨似的,搅乱我的梦魂。Her face haunts my dreams like the rain at night.

那是指什么搅乱压制了主要人物的生活。What is it that upsets the main character's life?

那爆炸猛烈地搅乱了大气。The explosion stirred the atmosphere tempestuously.

这个年轻惹火的年轻电影明星的名字搅乱了辛纳屈。The name of the hot young film star stirred Sinatra.

右侧活动区域被磁环搅乱。The active area on the right churns with magnetic loops.

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乐摸机不该搅乱你的生活,它是你生活的一部份。LOMO does not interfere with your life, it's a part of it.

你的愚蠢行为把我们的计划全搅乱了。Your foolishness is playing ducks and drakes with our plans.

这突如其来的孩子一下子就搅乱了宋迪之平静的生活。The sudden children suddenly disturbed Song Di of quiet life.

乐摸机不该搅乱你的生活,它是你生活的一部份。Lomography does not interfere with your life, it's a part of it.

遭受危险的看林人的离间搅乱了我的长期计划。The endangered ranger's estrangement deranged my long-range plan.

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国家的混乱广泛的搅乱一国的财金市场。The national turmoil generally roils a country's financial markets.

斯特恩不允许再有红衣主教那样的人搅乱他的派对。There won't be any Arizona Cardinal-type run to ruin Stern's party.

是的,一朝有了手机,我此刻安静的糊口就将被搅乱。Yes, once there are cell-phones , my quiet life now will be confused.