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今天,看到他的大理石雕像树立起来了,我悲喜交集。To see his likeness perpetuated in marble is to me today a sad but pleasing sensation.

世上再没有比获救后再见到家人更让人感到悲喜交集的事了。And to be saved, to see my family again – it was the most bittersweet feeling imaginable.

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大家摸着树干鞭痕,悲喜交集,流下了激动的眼泪。Everybody is touching truncal lash mark, mixed feelings of grief and joy, shed excited tear.

在2002年,一个有关波斯尼亚战争的辛酸且悲喜交集的故事赢得了奥斯卡最佳外语片奖项。IN 2002 a bitter and tragicomic story of the Bosnian war won an Oscar for best foreign film.

对我个人而言,为这个演讲会作首场式讲话是悲喜交集的。Well, this is a bittersweet moment for me personally to deliver this first inaugural lecture.

韦娅灵的作品展示艺术家对日常生活中悲喜交集体验的多元理解。Wearing's work demonstrates a complex understanding of the alternately comic and tragic experiences of everyday life.

痛苦和幸福轮番而至,让我们悲喜交集,甚至死亡都让人生更为可爱。Bereavements and blessings,on following another,make us sad and blessed by turns.Even death itself makes life more loving.

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痛苦和幸福轮番而至,让我们悲喜交集,甚至死亡都让人生更为可爱。Bereavements and blessings, on following another, make us sad and blessed by turns. Even death itself makes life more loving.

痛苦和幸福轮番而至,让我们悲喜交集,甚至死亡都让人生更为可爱。Bereavements and blessings, one following anthor, make us sad and blessed by turns. Even death itself makes life more loving.

总统发言人卡尼星期三表示,奥巴马希望与遇难者家属会面,与他们分享本。拉登死后这个重要而富有意义、但又“悲喜交集”的时刻。Obama wants to meet with the families to share with them the important and significant, yet "bittersweet" moment following the death of bin Laden.

守成受蕊红和常绿交托照顾素心,素心忽闻一把熟悉的声音,转身看见守成后悲喜交集。Hold the wick in the red and green way to take care of my heart, my heart suddenly heard a familiar voice, turned around and saw hold after mingled.

这位英格兰国家队队长过去五个月都因为膝盖韧带受伤而缺阵比赛,但是在因为她的贡献赢得勋章后,悲喜交集的一年划上了愉快的句号。The England skipper has spent the last five months on the sidelines with knee ligament damage but ended a mixed year on a high note after being recognised for her services to women's football.

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总统发言人卡尼星期三表示,奥巴马希望与遇难者家属会面,与他们分享本。拉登死后这个重要而富有意义、但又“悲喜交集”的时刻。Presidential spokesman Jay Carney said Wednesday Mr. Obama wants to meet with the families to share with them the important and significant, yet "bittersweet" moment following the death of bin Laden.