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现在要像个男子汉。Be a man now.

你真是个男子汉。You’re a man.

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男子汉都该吃肉Real men eat meat.

你真是个男子汉啊,杰瑞德!You’re the man Jared!

但是你会如男子汉一样前行!But you'll walk like a man!

科林像个男子汉似的在作战。Corm is fighting like a man.

但你步履沉稳,是个堂堂男子汉!But you will walk like a man!

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他是一个多么有情有义的男子汉呵!He is a man of sagacity how uh!

下来吧,伙计,做一个真正的男子汉。Come down, pardner, and be a man.

一个男子汉应该信守诺言。A man should stand to his promise.

可是如果你不亲她,那你就不算是男子汉!If you don't , you are not a man !

好吧,我是男子汉。Well, I'm the hoochie coochie man.

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脚踏地,手擎天,他是一个真正的男子汉。Foot, hand tower, he is a real man.

“嗨,”他对自己说,“我是一个男子汉大丈夫。"Come," said he to himself, "be a man.

男子汉都该吃肉,很对,还有吗Real men eat meat, that's correct. Yes?

你就是我们家的男子汉了,懂吗?You're the man of the house understand?

他以男子汉的气概勇敢地面对困难。He faced up to his difficulties manfully.

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那只是你心目当中的男子汉,母后。That's your idea of a man, Empress Mother.

伙计,你为什么不下车来,做个真正的男子汉呢?Won't you come out, pardner, and be a man?

服兵役会把你锻炼也一个男子汉。Military sevice will make a man out of you.