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我再不逃课了。I won’t skip class again.

再不住手,我就去告诉华夫人!Stop, or I will inform Madam!

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只是,我已心如止水,再不惹尘埃。Just, I have peace of mind, no dust.

我保证再不惹人讨厌。I'll promise never to be horrid again.

我以后再不来这里买东西了。I shall never come here to buy anything.

可怜这个世界吧,再不,贪夫。Pity the world, or else this glutton be.

我发誓再不去那个地方了。I vowed never to set foot in the place again.

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没处要去,无事要做,再不须要匆忙。Nowhere to go, Nothing to do, No longer in a hurry.

我永远再不要听,不要念,也再不要想到它们啦!I never want to hear, or read, or think of them again!

却再不能见到你归来,从那渺无人迹的地方!But you came not from the empty lands where no men are.

再不找到那个畜牲,事情就麻烦了。Don't find out that beast another, the affair bothered.

可是三秒钟后我径自离开,再不回头看上一眼。But three seconds later I’m gone, never to return again.

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再不顺的生活,微笑着撑过去了,就是胜利。Don't let life, smile and support in the past, is victory.

啊,天很晚了,再不睡觉明天会起不来的,我先走了。Oh, It's too late, you should sleep now, I'am leaving now.

如果他考试再不及格,下学期他就得留级。If he failed in the exam again, he would be kept down next term.

再不停止胡闹的话,你们中的一个就会受伤了。One of you is going to get hurt if you don't stop monkeying around.

我叫他答应从那回以后再不要打死一只田凫了,他没打过。I made him promise he'd never shoot a lapwing after that, and he didn't.

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他发出警告,如果日本再不释放,将随时采取“进一步行动”。He gave warning of unspecified “further actions” if Japan does not comply.

这就是我所想的。可是三秒钟后我径自离开,再不回头看上一眼。That's what I think. But three seconds later I'm gone, never to return again.

于是妇人走去吃饭,面上再不带愁容了。Then she went her way and ate something, and her face was no longer downcast.