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宛若朔风冲着云雾。As the north wind to the clouds.

云雾笼罩着山顶。Clouds involve the mountain top.

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山峰深藏在云雾之中。The peak is enveloped in clouds.

极目远眺,是云雾笼罩下的巴黎。And, far off, Paris shrouded in smoke!

假如我是能和你飞跑的云雾If I were a swift cloud to fly with thee

低垂的云雾笼罩着机场。Low-hanging clouds befogged the airport.

我意识到,我的窗没有被云雾遮蔽。I realized there was no fog veiling my window.

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你一头栽入云雾之中不断向上攀爬。Climb in the back with your head in the clouds.

一个专家小组汇集了关于云雾方面的理论。One expert panel debated a nimbus cloud theory.

跨过夜空眼前是一条星星点点云雾线。It appears as a dusty, cloud-line across the sky.

飞机飞高了,渐渐地消失在云雾中。The plane was flying high and verging into clouds.

山顶隐没在云雾之中。The summit of the mountain is lost in the cloud and mist.

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你感受过站在云雾环绕的山顶上么?The tops of the mountains were always wreathed in clouds.

我眼前一片云雾,热血在我太阳穴里突突地跳动。My eyes clouded over and the blood pulsated in my temples.

今天,其山峰覆盖着茂密的热带“云雾森林”。Today, its peaks are covered by lush tropical "cloud forest".

加利福尼亚的雷斯岬,靠近悬崖之顶,云雾笼罩。Point Reyes, California, near the top of the cliff, under fog.

云雾笼罩着大烟山国家公园的一个山谷。Clouds obscure a valley in Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

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云雾仿佛击败了山蛮,山蛮却屹立依然。The mountain remains unmoved at its seeming defeat by the mist.

群山外貌上被云雾挫败,现实上永远岿然未动。The mountain remains unmoved in its seeming defein by the mist.

我透过圆形柱状灰色云雾望向蓝天。I look up through a circular chimney of ashenclouds to blue sky.