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侯爵,侯爵将你的居心不良。Scaramouche, scaramouche will you do the fandango.

瞅了他一眼,她微嘟了下嘴,居心不良。Chou his one eye, she tiny Du next jaws, with bad purpose.

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除非你居心不良,否则那里的真相会让你大开眼界。Unless you have ulterior motives, the facts will open your eyes.

让我们向居心不良的人和特殊利益集团展示我们的决心,我们依然可以说到做到。Let’s show the cynics and the special interests that we still can.

尼日尔信息部长称,联合国官员居心不良。Niger's Information Minister said the UN officials were ill-intentioned.

这份居心不良的决议,应该对世界所有文明的人民敲响了警钟。This wicked resolution must sound the alarm for all decent people in the world.

也许一个人看起来很诚实,但是他或她其实居心不良,我们能以貌取人吗?Maybe someone looks honest, but he or she has bad intentions. Can we tell by looks alone?

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这给某些居心不良的客户经理挪用、侵占客户贷款留下了漏洞。This gives some ill clients Manager misappropriation, usurpation loan customers left loopholes.

我们没有复仇之意。如果他害怕,只能说明当时他居心不良。We are not vengeful at Chelsea. If he is afraid, it will only be if he does not have a clear conscience.

在12个世纪之后,罗马皇帝狄奥多西以这是异教徒居心不良的活动为由,于公元393年禁止了奥运会。After 12 centuries, Roman Emperor Theodosius banned them in 393 AD under accusations of pagan motivations.

如果用户浏览了一个居心不良的网站,那么恶意软件就会悄悄置入用户的电脑中。If a user browses to a bad Web site, malicious software can be installed on their PC without their knowledge.

当某些居心不良的人以负面的形式指出你的错误与失败时,千万别发脾气。Don't blow your top when one or two people think it's smart to point out your faults and failings in a negative way.

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居心不良的流言会伤害工作夥伴之间的信任感,升高冲突,让同事合作的效率大打折扣。Malicious gossip erodes trust among co-workers and escalates conflict, preventing them from working together effectively.

罗斯福站在国会共和党的席位上猛烈抨击一些“握有巨额财富的居心不良之人”,尤其是华尔街的金融家们,妄图破坏美国政治。From the Republican side of the aisle, Roosevelt blasted “malefactors of great wealth” – especially financiers on Wall Street – for corrupting American politics.

如果一个员工离开电脑10分钟,而邮件没有退出,那么居心不良的员工就可以通过你的邮箱系统造成严重的破坏。If an employee walks away from a live e-mail account for ten minutes, that may be all the time a rogue employee needs to do serious damage to, or from, your e-mail system.