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香蕉、坚果。Banana nut.

香蕉是肉吗?。Bannanas are meat?

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那是一棵香蕉树。It's a banana tree.

让我们来数香蕉吧。Let's count bananas.

我也不知道什么香蕉种植地,正如我不知道什么是袋鼠一样!I did not know what to do.

香蕉是按斤两出售。Bananas are sold by weight.

噜尼喜欢吃香蕉。Lu Ni likes to eat bananas.

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香蕉是我爱吃的。Banana is my favorate fruit.

首先,将三只香蕉切碎.First,cut the three bananas.

我喜欢香蕉和冰淇淋。I like bananas____ice cream.

香蕉和苹果是水果。Bananas and apples are fruit.

把那串香蕉给我。Give me that couple of plums.

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试试香蕉或苹果。Try banana or apple fritters.

香蕉共和国,我们来了。Banana republic, here we come.

点心,香蕉,火龙果。Banana, dragon fruit, Dim Sum.

香蕉和苹果是水果。Bananas and apples are fruits.

戴维·格瑞比尔德赢得一只香蕉David Greybeard earns a banana

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香蕉永远是黄色的?。The Banana Is Always Yellower?

香蕉,香蕉。一二三。Banaba, banana , one two three.

我不喜欢香蕉和苹果。I like to eat apple and banana.