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这名男孩国有老黄牛。The boy owned an old ox.

他们家只有一头老黄牛。They had an old brown cow.

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他称自己是人民的老黄牛。He called an of the people.

他真是头老黄牛。He is really a willing horse.

这是中国登月项目中的“老黄牛”。This will be the workhorse of China's lunar programme.

我甘愿为党、为人民当一辈子老黄牛。I am willing for the party, when the life of the old cattle for the people.

一天,杰克牵着他的老黄牛区集市,他想把牛卖了买些食物。One day, Jack and his cow went to a market. He wanted some food. But no one wanted his cow.

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我是蝴蝶,很美很有创造力,同时也很脆弱。我的妻子是老黄牛,很勤劳,很务实,总是一直在干。我们是互补型的!I'm a butterfly, creative but fragile. My wife is an ox, she always keeps working, Work! Work! Work!

牛郎按老黄牛说的去做,与织女成了亲④,他们幸福地生活在一起。Niu Lang did what the old cattle had said. Sure enough he married Zhi Nu, and they lived a happy life.

苹果树下的老黄牛一边乘凉一边吃草,仿佛回到了童年。Under the old apple trees while enjoying the breeze, while cattle grazing, as if returned to their childhood.

我在春天和夏天,割了青草,或劈了高粱叶,背到二大爷家里,喂他的老黄牛。I often mowed grass or cut durra leaf in spring and summer and carried them on the back to the Erdaye's to feed his old scalper.

但问题似乎已经成为一种刺激物少,因美国谈判代表在显示韩国人不可能在任何情况下购买多少肉老黄牛统计看看。But the issue has appeared to have become less of an irritant as US negotiators look at statistics showing Koreans are unlikely to buy much meat from older cattle in any case.