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听上千交响鸟啼音符。I heard a thousand blended notes.

第四交响曲,作品44,“交响片段”Symphony No. 4, Op. 44, Pages symphoniques.

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交响幻想曲,作品49,“波希奥拉的女儿”Symphonic Fantasy, Op. 49, Pohjolas Daughter.

大屏幕出现贝多芬图像,和交响乐队演奏他作品的录像。Beethoven's photos and the video of the symphony orchestra appear on the big screen.

优美的抒情与凄苦的咏叹构成了永远的“交响”。Elegant emotional expression and miserable chants constitute "everlasting symphony".

电影里镜头到处都是青草翠绿的山坡,宽大的舞会礼服,热情奔放的交响乐曲。The movie was heavy on verdant hillsides, ballroom gowns, and surging orchestral music.

这是根据皮亚佐拉的作品改编的,由手风琴、钢琴和交响乐队演奏的作品。A piece of work written with the main theme by Piazzola for accordion, piano and orchestra.

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伯恩斯坦以交响作曲家的高度艺术修养,把少数民族的音乐和爵士乐的不同的音乐语汇交融在一起。Bernstein combined the idioms of ethnic folk music and jazz with the virtuosity of a symphonist.

北风吹起,为它们奏鸣了秋的交响,在这个舞台上,它们尽情释放。North wind blows, as they played Ming the autumn symphony, in this stage, they enjoy the release.

那么我们现在在乌尔西大厅来欣赏新天堂交响乐,纽黑文交响乐园或其他的,纽约爱乐乐团。So we are sitting there in Woolsey Hall with New Haven Symphony or whatever,New York Philharmonic.

事实上,当那些交响明星们整装登场之时,古典音乐会也是场绝伦的表演。In fact, when the symphonic stars align, classical music concerts make for quite brilliant theatre.

英雄薏丝琳,取名于贝多芬第三交响曲,可谓新世界与老世界薏丝琳的交响盛会。Eroica, named for Beethoven's third symphony, is truly a concert of old world and new world Riesling.

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这两者又美又悲的深沉秋音你那呼啸的浩荡交响会囊括。The tumult of thy mighty harmonies Will take from both a deep, autumnal tone, Sweet though in sadness.

本文通过对贝多芬第三交响曲里“交响变奏中的赋格精神”的解读,感受赋格段技法的典范。Through decoding "spirit of fugue in variation of symphony", we can see fugue nonesuch in his symphony.

在我的眼里,我的初中生活像一首交响乐曲,主旋律充满着香甜苦辣咸,有趣极了。In my eyes, my junior high life, like a symphony, the theme is full of sweet Kula salty, very interesting.

他的交响性风格继承的是古典主义的传统,但他的艺术歌曲和钢琴作品却完全是浪漫主义的。His symphonic style inherited the tradition of classical, but his art songs and piano works is a completely romantic.

欢迎来到兄弟连。你手上的这把枪属于你的父亲。他用它能指挥一个交响管弦乐团。Welcome to the fraternity. This gun you're holding belonged to your father. He could conduct a symphony orchestra with it.

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阿什克纳齐先生已通知我们,他将无法履行和交响音乐厅签订的钢琴独奏演出合同。Mr Ashkenazy has informed us that he will be unable to honour his contract with Symphony Hall to perform the piano recital.

除了塞也。巴恩沃尔的新作品,马丁。卢瑟国王荣誉交响合唱会包括一个新闻短片----国王的“我有一个梦”演讲。In addition to Ysaye Barnwell's new work, the Choral Arts Society's Tribute to Martin Luther King included a newsreel of Dr.

长期以来,乐团不遗余力地向澳门观众介绍广泛的音乐作品,涉及交响乐、交响合唱等多种音乐体裁。The Orchestra has introduced a broader repertoire, including both symphonic and choral- symphonic works, to the general public.