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伦敦铁桥垮下来。London bridge's falling down.

伦敦铁桥已垮下。London Bridge has fallen down.

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新建的一座铁桥横跨这条河流。Across the river lies a newly-built steel bridge.

还记得香蒲丛中有青蛙,就在旋转式铁桥旁?Frogs in the cattails where the swing-bridge was? –

登上铁桥,蛇河的美景尽收眼底。Iron bridge, the beauty of the panoramic view of the Snake River.

接着他在那短暂的余辉中又望望那突然显得真切的铁桥。Then he was watching the bridge again in the sudden short trueness of the little light that was left.

当他在铁桥下阴凉处干活时,随手把淘金盘浸入河沙中淘了淘,想碰碰运气。While working in the shadow of the iron bridge, he tried his luck by dipping a pan into the river sand.

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照片里面那座铁桥是世界上最短的国际桥,起美加边境的作用。The bridge in sight is the shortest international bridge in the world, which serves as Canada-US border.

这能保护铁不受氧气和盐雾的氧化,铁桥的使用寿命也更长。It protects the metal from theactions of salty spray and oxygen and the bridge will last a very long time.

而倾听经过那座铁桥的火车的咔嗒声,就跟聆听鸟儿的鸣叫一样重要。And to hear the rattling of that train over the iron bridge is as important as to hear the voice of the bird.

在建造一条很长的铁桥时,我们也必须牢记金属的膨胀问题。We have to keep in our minds and not forget the expansion of metal when we build a very long metal bridge too.

这就是高铁桥,我最喜欢的拍车地点,这里有我们这唯一S型铁路。This is the high-iron bridge, take the train of my favorite sites, here are the only S-type in our city railway.

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首届先锋音乐节于2008年3月15-17日举行,策划人为前卫萨克斯手李铁桥。The first China Avant-Garde Music Festival was held on March 15-17 2008, organized by saxophone player Li Tieqiao.

铁桥遭洪水冲毁,再加上制糖业务停止,花莲糖厂延伸出厂外的铁道已遭截断并开辟成小公园。The railroad from Hua-Lien Sugar Factory to Kuang-Fu Station has been cut off. This factory has stopped sugar producing in 2002.

舅母伙同“造反兵团”拉拢腐蚀小帆,唆使他成了“造反派”的典型,炸毁了铁桥。Aunt in collusion with " rebellious corps " hook in corrodes little sail, abet he was become " rebel group " typical, blew up iron bridge.

厚雪覆盖的世界自然文化遗产——铁桥峡。1779年世界上第一座铸铁桥就是在这,科尔布鲁代尔的塞文河上完工的。Heavy snow covers the Ironbridge World Heritage Site. The world's first cast iron bridge was built over the River Severn at Coalbrookdale in 1779.

人群聚集在柏林东北部博恩霍尔姆街布满涂鸦的铁桥上,一些人甚至吊在栏杆上大喊“戈尔巴乔夫!Crowds who thronged the graffiti-covered iron bridge at Bornholmer Strasse in north-east Berlin, some of them hanging from its girders, shouted "Gorby!

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第三天我们驶进了阿尔伯达省,火车从一座铁桥上穿过巴特尔河,铁桥高出河面200英尺,在这次旅程中我们初次遭遇这样令人胆怯的深度。Moving into the province of Alberta on day three, we cross 200 feet above the Battle river on a steel trestle, and it’s our first dramatic moment of depth.

铆钉在古老的铁桥上十分显眼,金属栓以一端用铁鎚敲平变成头状,紧固住金属角板。The rivet, visibly prominent on older steel bridges, is a metal pin fastener with one end flattened into a head by hammering it through a metal gusset plate.

长长一条龙,走路轰隆隆,遇水过铁桥,遇山钻山洞It is like a long dragon, it makes a rumble sound when it walks. it will run on a iron bridge when come across a river and drill cave when come across a mountain.