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热带集权国家具有欺骗性。Tropical totalitarianism is deceptive.

专制集权者的绝对相同点。The absolute similarity of the absolutistic powers.

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请记住,空想的社会主义乌托邦只带来了法国大革命期间巴黎四处竖立的断头台和苏共集权统治下的古拉格群岛。Because utopias lead to the guillotine and the gulag.

类似那些集权主义教派的伊斯兰教。Similar in fact to the collectivist religions such as Islam.

很难想象即便是最集权主义的国家能在这方面采取什么措施。It is hard to imagine any but the most totalitarian state doing much about that.

它很好的配合了马斯洛的非集权结构的组织模型。It fitted well with Maslow’s non-authoritarian model of organisational structure.

法国是一个传统的中央集权国家,集权观念根深蒂固。France is a traditionally centralized country and the centralization is ineradicable.

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如果承认集权制度有其自己的信仰,那么他们自然也有着自己的价值观。If autocracies have their own set of beliefs, they also have their own set of interests.

满脸堆笑的政客们告诉人们他们生活得多幸福的这种想法简直就是奥威尔式的集权统治现象。The thought of grinning politicians telling people how happy they are is truly Orwellian.

而俄国的“国家民主制”对中亚那些集权政体也颇有吸引力。Russia's model of "sovereign democracy" is attractive among the autocrats of Central Asia.

厄瓜多尔总统从社会民主主义突然转向更为专制的集权主义,这是标准的急进主义。The president veers between social democracy and a more autocratic, radical brand of leftism.

在叙利亚,四个城市爆发了大规模的游行示威,而这在集权国家是很少见的事情。In Syria, a police state where protest is rare, large demonstrations broke out in four cities.

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通常的经验做法是影响互用性的决策应该被集权。The general rule of thumb is that decision that impact interoperability should be centralized.

不只是苏联,许多会员国都支持集权化的卫生系统措施。Not only the Soviet Union but many Member States supported a centralized health-systems approach.

在权力分化,势力割据的中世纪,拜占庭帝国是一个中心集权的国家。The Byzantine Empire was a centralized state in a medieval world of fragmented and localized power.

男人。音乐。电影。美剧。唠叨。基佬。反共。反集权。自由主义者。怀疑者。GayMan. Music. Movies. U. S. drama. Nagging. Anti-communist. Anti-authoritarian. Liberals. Skeptics.

在请教主义里存在天主教教堂的伪装下对集权的不信任。Within puritanism, there is a distrust of centralised authority in the guise of the Catholic church.

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我总是对这种集权主义的现象很着迷,感觉就像看到一个老式的火车居然还在运转。I'd always been fascinated by totalitarianism, so it was kind of like viewing a train wreck in action.

他们认为,人民如果繁荣富足,或者至少有希望实现繁荣富足,就不会支持集权主义。People with prosperity, or at least the prospect of it, didn't turn to totalitarianism, they believed.

中国传统官僚制,是家国同构、高度集权的家产官僚制。State power was highly centralized into the royal family in the traditional bureaucratic system in China.