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他的虚夸的言辞并非新鲜。His rhetoric was not new.

这就是称为半真半假的言辞。That's called a half-truth.

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两个人针尖对麦芒,言辞激烈。Into a two people, rhetoric.

当事实说话的时候,言辞将空洞无物。When deeds speak, words are nothing.

它的言辞表达很清晰。Its verbal expression was very clear.

这种言辞近于无礼。Such a remark verges on impertinence.

阿瑟被赫斯特的大胆言辞惊住了。Arthur was frightened by her boldness.

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他的言辞是对王权的侵犯。His words was a breach upon kingly power.

他在会议上有一些不适当的言辞。He had an inapt remark during the meeting.

礼貌的言辞是对别人的尊重。Polite verbalism is the respect to others.

听了他无聊的言辞,我忍不住走开了。On hearing his silly words, I went snickering.

你可以用它们来柔化你的言辞。You can use them mainly to soften your speech.

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公司的电子邮件容不得祈祷者的言辞。There is no room for prayers in company emails.

他们也许曾听过愤怒与不和谐的言辞。They could've heard words of anger and discord.

他言辞激烈地否认对他的谴责。He vehemently denied the accusations against him.

迷思不仅用言辞滋养还用沉默润泽。Myth is nourished by silence as well as by words.

持正面的思想和说积极的言辞。Think positive thoughts and speak positive words.

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言辞是他的谋生之道。Words were his way of ordering the jostle of life.

有时沉默贵于言辞。Silence is more expensive than the words sometimes.

关注情感,而不在于言辞好恶,然后保持心态平衡。Focus on the emotions, not the words, and stay calm.