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拿破仑自以为兵员充足,有恃无恐。Nepoleon from think the soldier is ample, there is Shi have no perhaps.

大流士义兵员众多为优势,亚历山大则凭战略取胜。If Darius has put his faith in numbers, Alexander will rely on strategy.

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可是拥有足够的锋线兵员,国米却仍然陷入了尴尬境地。But the striker has enough troops, Inter are still caught in an awkward position.

要想从容应对,奥巴马先生需要的是更多的兵员,更佳的战略以及很多的运气。To resist it, Mr Obama will need more men, a better strategy and a great deal of luck.

最近几个月的退却迫使军方要求增加二十万六千兵员。The reversals of the last several months have led our military to ask for 206,000 more troops.

缅军主要通过火车和轮船向它的克钦战区运送兵员和武器。The Burmese government mainly transports troops and weapons to its northern Kachin State by train and ship.

当矮人徵兵员进场时,从你的牌库中搜寻任意数量的矮人牌,展示该些牌。When Dwarven Recruiter comes into play, search your library for any number of Dwarf cards and reveal those cards.

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此前,还没有一支北方军取得这样的胜利,格兰特让三万多南方军脱离了战场,他缴获了南方军六万支枪和170门大炮,这对已经严重缺乏兵员和武器的南方来说,是一个重大的损失。He had captured sixty thousand guns and one hundred seventy cannons. These were serious losses for the Confederacy.

她说,可能会通过将现役军人转为预备役来削减兵员。It may be possible to cut personnel costs by shifting some active-duty troops to the reserves temporarily, she said.

文章从部落兵员征集及军事训练的方式入手,对藏族部落的武装制度作了探讨。This article makes discussion on armed system of Tibetan tribe from soldiers recruitment and ways of military training.

换句话说,我相信我们的军队目前处于无限制增长之中,唯一的限制就是我们的兵员不足。In other words, I believe we are currently in the process of an open-ended increase, which is limited by the fact that we don't have a draft.

征兵制的施行有利于保障现役兵员的更替,有利于积蓄训练有素的后备兵员,促进了中国兵役制度的近代化趋势。The appliance of this military system benefited the ensurance of exchanging active duty soldiers , and had advantages in saving reserve troops.

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但随着战争的升级,兵员越来越少。于是,绝地委员会派遣了一位绝地前往哈伦卡尔,负责把当地的考伦人训练成反政府游击队。But troops were scarce in the growing war, so the Jedi Council dispatched a single Jedi to train the Korun natives as anti-government partisans.

那个决定罔顾了国家审计署的警告,警告说兵员运载直升机的缺口超过了三分之一。That decision came despite a warning from the National Audit Office that there was more than a one-third shortfall in troop-carrying helicopters.

南方开始感觉到补给和兵员缺乏的压力,而北方则越来越感觉到战争精神的缺乏。The South was beginning to suffer from a lack of supplies and men for its armies. The North was beginning to suffer from a lack of fighting spirit.

舰船是武器装备和兵员在水上或水下的运动作战平台。The naval ship is equipment and platform for campaigning of bluejacket and the weight of naval ship is an important factor for campaigning property.

征集对象不同,兵员的整体文化素质、接受和掌握军事技能的能力也截然不同。The collection object is different, soldier's overall cultural quality, accepts and masters the military skill ability to be also entirely different.

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虽然北宋的国土、户口、耕地、军队兵员、经济实力,均远远超过西夏,但宋夏战争初期北宋却在几场重要战役中惨遭失败。Though the Northern Song had far more fields, families and armed forces than the Western Xia, at the beginning of the war, the Northern Song was defeated.

美国战斗部队定于这个月底撤离伊拉克,并留下六个师多达五万兵员帮助培训伊拉克部队。U.S. combat troops are scheduled to withdraw from Iraq by the end of the month, leaving behind six divisions of up to 50,000 men to help train Iraqi forces.

马其诺防线可能是太昂贵,占有太多的兵员,用来象征法国的防守态度,但法国的长城确实履行了其予定的任务。It may have been too costly, tied down too many men, and came to symbolize France’s defensive attitude, but the Great Wall of France fulfilled its designated mission.