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但是,随着时间的推移,这一点将会改变。But that's going to change over time.

随着时间的推移也会出现一些常数。Afew constants also emerged with time.

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随着时间的推移,这个词透过古英语进入到我们目前的语言,成为了单词cow。This reached us as cow via Old English.

可能有一些脱敏随着时间的推移。May have some desensitization over time.

最后我想说的是,时区规则会随着时间的推移而不断发生变化。Lastly, timezones rules change over time.

随着时间的推移我们会了解更多。Nabel. "We'll know more as time goes on."

随着时间的推移,有些事理你会慢慢渐悟的。Something will dawn on you as time goes on.

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随着时间的推移,有毒物质的气态分子可能会渗透入塑料容器中。Vapors may penetrate the plastic over time.

检测的可接受性随着时间的推移逐步上升。The acceptability of testing rose over time.

针对四维时间推移问题进行了数值模拟。The method is used in 4-D time-lapse seismic.

随着时间的推移,人类正在令地球受到破坏。As time gose by, man is making the earth sike.

随着时间的推移,金融危机的走向变得愈发神秘叵测。The financial crisis grows weirder by the day.

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这就是随时间推移发生的事--天啊!This is what happens over time as does--whoops!

随着时间的推移,塑胶制品的表面会磨损。The surface of plastic objects breaks over time.

随着时间的推移,我们学得越来越多。With time goes on, we have learned more and more.

但是随着时间的推移,我们发现自己太天真了。However over time, we realized that we were naive.

随着时间的推移,多交的钱多大几千美元。Over time, this can add up to thousands of dollars.

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一个时间轴滑动条显示了地图上随时间推移的进度。A timeline slider shows progress over time on a map.

但随着时间的推移,抵抗力量逐渐壮大。But as time passed, resistance forces grew stronger.

随着时间的推移,你可能声明不再支持某些旧版本的API。Over time you can deprecate old versions of the API.