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保持您的双脚清洁干爽。Keep your feet clean and dry.

有人说,当夜晚干爽、舒馨。Some say when nights are dry and dear.

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我一下躺倒在温暖干爽的床上。I sank gratefully into the warm, dry bed.

保持附带的塑料勺干爽放入瓶内,拧紧瓶盖。Always use a dry scoop and replace lid tightly.

干爽洁净好吃的生菜就完成了。you end up with dry and clean and nice lettuce.

宜放置阴凉干爽及儿童不能接触之处。Store in a cool, dry place and kept away from children.

我喜爱在沐浴当前用爽身粉来连结干爽和清新。I like to use powder after showers to stay dry and fresh.

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此款优雅的白葡萄酒,有着精美的香味和干爽、轻鹅绒般口感。A noble white wine with a refined bouquet and a dry, velvety taste.

如果刨花保持干爽那么真菌的问题应该不会出现。If the shavings are kept dry then fungal problems should not occur.

这里有一些不论你走到哪里都能用得上的小技巧,它们会让你保持干爽整洁。Here are a tips for staying fresh that you can use wherever you are.

使用前必须保持物品的洁净和干爽,并请将本产品充分摇匀。Article must be clean and dry before treatment, pls fully shake well.

有了这款“干爽”尿布垫,她从没在午睡中哭醒。With these keeping her "dry, " she hasn't fussed once during nap time.

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套套可以让易燃物品在潮湿天气或环境中保持干爽。A condom can be used to keep fire making material dry in wet weather or environments.

经精心酿造,这款半干型酒回味酥脆干爽。Made with incredible finesse and balance, this semi-dry wine finishes crisp and clean.

这款轻柔的汽酒,干爽清冽带有花香及果味余味。This gentle-sparkling wine is fresh and crisp with a floral bouquet and fruity finish.

我四处搜寻可以帮助他缓解鼻子干裂并保持面部干爽的东西。I was on the hunt for ANYTHING that would soothe his chapped nose and keep his face dry.

如果那时已经停止下雨了,你就可以穿着干爽的鞋袜跑步。If it has stopped raining by then, you'll be able to run the race in dry shoes and socks.

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此酒汽泡细腻非常,口味干爽,散发着浓郁酒香,并夹杂着白柠檬和葡萄花的阵阵芳香。A dry, fine quality wine that has a delicate vinous nose with a lime and vine-blossom attack.

一位朋友告诉我,不冷不热干爽的季节最让人喜爱,我点头默许。A friend told me that neither cold nor hot dry season most people love, I nodded acquiescence.

当防摩擦绷带贴让皮肤干燥后,它会形成一层干爽,光滑的屏障。When Band-Aid Friction Block Stick dries on the skin, it will form a clear and smooth barrier.