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她们为何会讨厌寿险呢Why didn't they like it?

那她们为什么不想买寿险呢Why wouldn't they want it?

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你的意思是人寿险是预防事故的吗?Do you mean the life insurance is against accidents?

为什么不发展成全面的人寿险呢Why don't you make it into full-blown life insurance?

你有没有寿险保单或是退休计划?Do you have a life insurance policy or retirement plan?

样例规则选自我们的定期寿险示例。Sample rules are chosen from our term insurance example.

这个女演员给自己保了十万美元的人寿险。The actress insured her life for one hundred thousand dollars.

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这是因为当时将寿险卖出去是很困难的The idea was that it was difficult to sell people on insurance.

最简单的寿险保单形式叫做定期人寿保险The simplest form of life insurance is called "term insurance."

中国非寿险产业的市场绩效良好。China non-life insurance industry has a fair market performance.

而对寿险公司而言,当人们变得吝啬的时候,销售保单就需要几经努力了。And life insurers struggle to sell policies when people are penny-pinching.

非寿险的发展更需要市场营销。The development of the non- life insurance even needs the market marketing.

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文章还进一步作了对策探讨,挖掘了寿险业发展的新增长点。We also discuss the antidotes and the new growing points of life insurance.

支付各类赔款556亿元,其中财产险和短期人身险共支付赔款318亿元,寿险给付238亿元。Another 23.8 billion Yuan was paid as reparations in life insurance programs.

本文的研究对象是中国非寿险产业组织。China non-life insurance industry is the research object in this dissertation.

战后日本寿险业随其经济的高速增长获得了快速发展。The Japanese life insurance got a fast development with its rapid economic growth.

利用SFA技术进行测定寿险公司的成本效率。And we estimate the cost efficiencies of the life insurers using the SFA technique.

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寿险公司针对被保险人的死亡,向受益人提供保险Life insurance is--what it insures is a beneficiary against the death of an insured.

与全国其它地区一样,作为保险业重要组成部分的非寿险业在西部地区也得到了长足发展。As an important part of insurance industry, the non-life insurance has gone on as we.

在非寿险精算中,古典线性回归模型的假设很难得到满足。In non-life insurance, the hypothesis of general linear model is hard to be satisfied.