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有时我们需要垫脚石。Sometimes we need stepping stones.

把失败当做通往成功的垫脚石。See failure as a stepping stone to success.

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失败是成功的垫脚石。Failures are the stepping stones to success.

也许人生路上的下一个绊脚石就是垫脚石。The next rock in your path may be a stepping stone.

我会把每个障碍当作是垫脚石。And I take every snag in my way as a stepping-stone.

垫脚石通常会产生更多的垫脚石.The stepping stones lead only to more stepping stones.

私有云将成为公共云的垫脚石Private clouds will serve as a stepping stone to public clouds

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人生的一大秘诀就是将绊脚石变成垫脚石。The key to success is to turn blocking stone into stepping-stone.

生命中的每次失望都能成为垫脚石,帮你迈向更大的成就。Every disappointment in life can be a steppingstone to greater things.

对于戴尔需要进行的转型来说,佩罗只是一块垫脚石。Perot is only a stepping stone to the transformation Dell needs to make.

气馁和失败绝对是成功的垫脚石。Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.

短期计划是你实现长期目标的垫脚石。Your short-term goals can become stepping stones to reaching long-term goals.

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她说,大陆将会利用经济协议作为政治统合的垫脚石。China, she says, will use it as a stepping stone toward political integration.

警告放一边,谨奉上我通往解放之路上的几块垫脚石That caveat aside, here are some of the stepping stones along my path to liberation

这点仅会作为一个垫脚石,帮助你找到自己的方法。This should merely serve as a stepping stone for you to discover what works for you.

在你进行一项不错的交易前耐心等待是财源广进的垫脚石。Having the patience to wait until you find a good deal is a cornerstone of good finances.

与其把恐惧看成你的绊脚石,不如把它看成是通往新历程的垫脚石。Istead of seeing fear as a stumbling block, see it as a stepping-stone towards new experience.

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在市长大厅里工作,对于一个需要政治前途的人来说,与其说是一块垫脚石,还不如说是一个死胡同。The City Hall is more than a dead end than a stepping-stone for improving one's political careers.

如果你想绕过所有梯子以及垫脚石,我会告诉你这是合理的。If you’d like to bypass all the ladders and stepping stones, I’m here to tell you that it’s possible.

⊙、逆境是强者攀登高峰的垫脚石,是弱者走向毁灭的万丈深渊!Adversity is the stepping stone, the strong climbing the peak is weak toward the abyss of destruction!