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创作圆舞曲我是一窍不通。I'm hopeless how to indite a waltz.

你看得出来我对此一窍不通As you can see I don't understand it.

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他对财务一窍不通。He does not understand finance at all.

但她对唱歌和跳舞实在是一窍不通。But she's a horrible singer and dancer.

我对汽车一窍不通。I don't understand anything about cars.

现在你一窍不通都完全正常Now you're not supposed to know any of this.

我那是连比喻句都一窍不通。I was even metaphor sentences are all thumbs.

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他说的没道理。他对情报经济学一窍不通。He knows nothing about the intelligence economy.

我对原子核物理学一窍不通。I'm out of my depth when it comes nuclear physics.

那时,因为我对那些花名一窍不通,你很吃惊,虽然你跟我说过,我对花名仍旧那么无知。I amstill just as ignorant for all your telling me.

你也许是个很棒的作家,但却对设计一窍不通。You might be a great writer but terrible at design.

我对插花艺术一窍不通.Flower arrangement is an art that I know nothing of.

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很显然,他对科技一窍不通。Obviously he knows nothing about technology." –Jimmy Kimmel

大学里的书呆子对生意一窍不通。The egghead in the university knows nothing about business.

广东话我一窍不通,中文也只识得少许。I did not know Cantonese at all and knew Mandarin only a little.

你对‘广告就是谎言’这个概念根本一窍不通,哈利。You’re sort of missing the entire ‘advertising is lying’ concept, Harry.

她一无所知,老出馊主意,对流行时尚一窍不通。She offers up silly advice and is clueless about the latest fashion rage.

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我确信你能帮得上忙。我自己对英语语法一窍不通。I'm sure you'll be able to help. I don't know anything about English grammar.

她试图阐述她的现代诗歌理论,但我却一窍不通。She tried to explain her theories about modern poetry but it was Greek to me.

即使是对音乐一窍不通的人也可以在自动钢琴上踩踏板演奏。Even someone who knew nothing about music could pump pedals on the instrument.