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这只是公事公办。It's just business.

她以一种简洁和公事公办的方式通知他。She told him in a curt and businesslike manner.

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公事公办,谁也不能特殊。Business is business . One can't too particular.

公事公办,妳是要付账的。Business is business . You have to pay the bill.

不过,我们都知道,这不会发生。公事公办嘛!But, we all know, that won, t happen. Business is business!

我们不想让我们的关系变得公事公办。我们在一起是因为开心,而。We don't want our relationship to turn into work. We just want to.

“卫兵!”旅客平静地用一种公事公办而又推心置腹的口气说。Guard! ' said the passenger, in a tone of quiet business confidence.

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有些人在上班的时候更喜欢公事公办。Some people prefer to simply get down to business when at the office.

我要找一个非常平易近人,公事公办,信任和高品质的声音。I'm looking for a very personable, business-like, trusting, and high quality voice.

即使他们有一个很高尚的目标,他们也甚至会以公事公办的名义来违背道德。They may even rationalize major transgressions in the name of business, in spite of having a lofty mission statement.

到达斯卡圭要进入美国境内,我在边界上打了手印,照了像片,还回答了一个挂着手枪的官员公事公办的提问。Reaching Skagway involves a border crossing into the United States. I was fingerprinted, photographed and questioned by a gun-toting official with a buzz cut.

委婉地拒绝了朋友,自己的事情,没有必要让朋友的朋友介入,况且,登记处的大姐也是公事公办,没有错。Politely refused a friend, their own thing, there is no need for friends of friends to intervene Moreover, the registry is also a business-like big sister, not wrong.

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电话另一头的副总统一副公事公办的架势通知他,她已经叫一个“朋友”来酒店与他们会面,以确保他们的计划顺利进行。The Vice President’s voice is all business as she informs them that she has a “friend” who is going to meet them in the hotel to make sure that their plans are still on track.