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磕到了树桩上,胫部擦破了皮。I barked my shin on a tree stump.

现在她从树桩上站起身来看他。She rose from her seat to watch him.

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他惟一能看到的只是周围的树桩。He could only see the stumps around him.

而且他还被一个树桩给绊倒了。Additionally, he was stumbled by a stake.

却不再徒劳蛥攀爬那根烂树桩。Me lusteth no longer rotten boughs to climb.

一队筑路的犯人在泥沼中拖动着树桩。ROAD-GANG is pulling stumps, bogged down in mud.

这位农夫花了数周时间清除他田地里的树桩子。It took the farmer weeks to grub the stumps on his land.

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他四下看了看,看见啄木鸟正站在一个树桩上哭呢。He looked around and saw the bird standing on a stump and crying.

研究项目组的成员长在一块巨大的红杉树桩之上。Members of the group stand atop the stump of a giant redwood tree.

印第安传统纳瓦霍人的家是一个用泥巴盖封起来的树桩,人们一般称之为“Hogan”。The traditional Navajo home is a mud-covered log hut called a hogan.

巴比特面对黑暗的池塘坐在树桩上,不时拍打蚊子。Babbitt sat on the stump , facing the dark pond, slapping mosquitoes.

例如,看似廉价的胶合板盒子,像我准备建造的在树桩上的儿童游戏房。No cheap-looking plywood box or precious playhouse on stilts would do.

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他们在房子里放了一个树桩,当成杀牛的砧板。They kept a big stump in the house as a chopping block to kill cows on.

春秋时期,宋国有个农夫,他的地里有棵树桩。In the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a farmer in the State of Song.

想休憩一下的时候,他们就会躺到由树桩和树枝做成的一个巨大“沙发”里。To relax, they kick back in a giant 'sofa' made of tree stumps and twigs.

她两颊发红,呼吸急促,坐在一个树桩上等待父亲。Flushed and breathing hard, she sat down on a stump to wait for her father.

从前,宋国有个农民,他的田地中有一颗树桩。In the state of Song there was a farmer in whose fields stood a tree stump.

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到处都是用旧了的树桩和圆木,还有篝火的灰烬。Here and there sat well-worn stumps and logs and the remnants of a campfire.

若砍树作柴,则砍后的树桩还会生出新芽来。When cut for firewood, they will sprout new growth from the remaining stump.

噢,他的手伸进一个腐烂的老树桩子里去蘸里面的雨水。Why, he took and dipped his hand in a rotten stump where the rain-water was.