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我要上告于凯撒。I appeal unto Caesar.

在这场较劲中,范畴较小的独立代理商已根本上告败。This is a battle that the smaller independent agencies have largely lost.

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山口先生应该把这次被冒犯的事上告到RIF中央委员会。Mr Yamaguchi should report this matter of offence to RIF Central Committee.

亚基帕又对非斯都说,这人若没有上告于该撒,就可以释放了。Agrippa said to Festus, "This man could have been set free if he had not appealed to Caesar."

他们可能会支持你并且允许你在上告时提到他们的名字。Ideally, they will back you up and permit you to mention their names when you make your charges.

亚基帕又对非斯都说,这人若没有上告于凯撒,就可以释放了。Then said Agrippa unto Festus, This man might have been set at liberty, if he had not appealed unto Caesar.

多么哀怜啊,大多数目前世界上最强大的国家人从来没有吃过比萨,还把它和电视机上告张悟本减肥白的垃圾食物搞混。What a pity that most Bmericans have never eaten pizza and confuse it for the junk food advertised on television.

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她是一个在广电视上告上给一家保险公司来卖保险的。She is in the TV commercial that help the insurance company sell insurance. the name of the insurance is Progressive.

但我查明他没有犯什么该死的罪。并且他自己上告于皇帝,所以我定意把他解去。But when I found that he had committed nothing worthy of death, and that he himself hath appealed to Augustus, I have determined to send him.

但与之形成鲜明对比的却是公民和公众的环境权益受到侵害却上告无门。However, in sharp contrast with the situation, there's no way to appeal when the environment rights of the individual and the public are violated.

然而保罗却上告于该撒,因为福音要在罗马传开,保罗有机会在当日最强大的政权面前传讲基督的福音!But Paul appealed to Caesar because the gospel had business in Rome. Paul would speak the claims of Christ before the greatest power structures of his day!

原美国大使馆馆址对面的一个标语牌上告诫缅甸民众“反对外国干涉国家内部事务”、“打倒国内外一切破坏力量”。S. embassy site exhorted citizens to 'oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of state' and to 'crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy.

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四年前,为尚特作寄养安排的那个机构认为这个女孩子太麻烦而试图把她送进医院时,科太太威胁说她要上告,结果她胜利了。When the agency that arranged Shante's foster care placement tried to have the girl institutionalized four years ago, saying she had become too much trouble, Mrs. Coe threatened to sue, and prevailed.