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目前野生扬子鳄仅剩120只左右。Today it is estimated that only 120 are left in the wild.

直至今天,潜水员和历史学家仍在找寻扬子鳄号潜水艇。Divers and historians are still looking for the Alligator today.

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有人认为龙的原型是扬子鳄。Some people think that the Yanzi crocodile is the archetype of the dragon.

扬子鳄是世界上最危险的爬行动物之一。The Chinese alligator is one of the most endangered reptiles in the world.

反映了扬子鳄种群非常低的遗传多态性。Reflect the genetic polymorphism of the Chinese alligator population is very low.

回归方程为由头部参数来估计出扬子鳄幼体体长与体重等数据提供了可行的途径。The regression equations can be used to estimate body-size from head dimensions rather precisely.

随着饲养规模的增大,扬子鳄的革制品将出现在市场上。With the increasing scale of farming, alligator leather products will appear in the on the market.

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本文研究了高密度饲养条件下,扬子鳄对洞穴的选择特点。This paper studied the burrowing characteristic of Chinese alligators with high density in captivity.

本文观察了初孵扬子鳄胃粘膜表面及胃腺的形态。This paper described the morphology of gastric glands and mucous Surface in the hatchlings of Alligator sinensis.

随后,我们又观看了火烈鸟、松鼠猴、扬子鳄等稀有动物。它们真是千奇百怪,使我大开眼界。Later, we watched the flamingos, squirrel monkeys, alligators and other rare animals. They really strange, eye-opener for me.

在扬子鳄号潜水艇沉没数月后,南方联盟以发明者名字命名的潜水艇HL亨利号正式下水。A few months after the loss of the Alligator, the CSA launched their own submarine, the H.L. Hunley, named after its inventor.

用免疫组织化学方法观察了P物质在初孵扬子鳄脑垂体的分布特点。To observe the distribution of SP-IR cells of hypophysis in new-hatching alligator sinensis using immunohistochemical ABC method.

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光镜下,用组织学和组织化学的方法对四个不同年龄段扬子鳄不同肠段进行了研究。The intestines of Alligator sinensis of four different ages were studied by histological and histochemical methods under light microscope.

为比较扬子鳄受精卵及未受精卵卵壳,用扫描电镜观察其超微结构。The ultrastructure of the eggshell of fertilized egg and unfertilized egg of Alligator sinensis was studied by scanning electron microscopy.

中国政府已经把对扬子鳄列为一级保护动物,现在最大的障碍就是栖息地的问题。Since the Chinese government has given the Yangtze alligators the highest level of protection, their biggest obstacle has been finding a place to live.

本文的研究结果表明扬子鳄MHC基因的多态性较高,这对扬子鳄饲养种群的遗传保护将非常有利。The high polymorphism of MHC genes in Chinese alligator would be of great benefit to genetic conservation in the captive population of Chinese alligator.

几千年前,长江堪称东方的亚马逊,诸如扬子鳄、大象、鲟鱼及大蜥蜴等野生动物十分丰富。A few thousand years ago, the Yangtze was the Amazon of the East, rich in wildlife like alligators , elephants, giant sturgeons and an unusually large salamander.

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研究同时表明利用经典分子生物学方法克隆、测序、设计引物,是目前获得扬子鳄特异性微卫星位点较为可行的方案。To acquire the specific microsatellite loci of Chinese alligator, it is feasible to clone, sequence and design primers by the classical method of molecular biology.

从保护的全面性来看,大熊猫、扬子鳄和亚洲象的保护现状较好,而兰科和苏铁类的保护现状较差。In view of protected entireness, the protection status of Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Alligator sinensis and Elephas maximus is better, but the one of Orchidaceae and Cycas is worse.

人类的生产、生活不但影响了野生扬子鳄的生物环境,也影响和改变了野生扬子鳄的无机环境。Not only did Human's production and life affect the organic environment of the Wild Chinese Alligator, but also affected the inorganic environment of the Wild Chinese Alligators.