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须重新修定测试位置。Must be to revision test position.

资料格式、编码的修定。Amendment made to the formality, code of the output.

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另一个有时用来比喻修定的技能是狩猎。Another skill sometimes used as an analogy is that of a hunter.

本文介绍了一种横向不均匀介质中地震参数的修定方法。A method of revising earthquake parameters in inhomogeneous medium has been proposed.

佛陀给修定赋予的形象,常常把它比作诸种技能。When the Buddha gives images for practicing concentration, he often relates them to skills.

路线可能因届时的路面工程工作及是否能获得赛事批准而作出修定。All locations are subject to some amendment in case of "engineering works"and non-granting of race permit etc.

本周英国宣布重新修定它的法律,考虑对那些判定具有恋童癖的人海外旅行的禁止期限提高到五年。Britain this week announced a toughening of its laws, to allow for travel bans of up to five years on convicted paedophiles.

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用修定的RMR岩体量化指数从给定公式中确定岩体强度和应变参数。The formulas for obtaining strength and strain parameters of rock mass are described using modified index RMR of rock mass quality.

为了帮助南苏丹为独立作准备,互联网搜索引擎巨头谷歌公司正在培训志愿者,帮助这个国家修定地图。To help south Sudan prepare for independence, Internet giant Google is training volunteers to help improve maps of the new country.

海尔主持或参与了152项国家标准的编制修定,制定行业及其它标准425项。Haier presided over or participated in 152 national standards The preparation of the revision, the development of industry standards and other 425.

尤其对于南苏丹,这一项目是要帮助修定地图,这样政府就能够了解哪里最需要学校和医院等服务。In south Sudan in particular, the point is to help improve maps so that the government can identify where services like schools and hospitals are most needed.

但军政府无视人民意愿,拒绝交权,之后在新修定的宪法中设计专门条款,防止昂山素姬成为缅甸领导人。But the junta ignored the people's verdict then, and a new constitution contains clauses specifically designed to keep her from ever serving as Burma's leader.

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但有关的税务法律、外汇管制或其他规例之修定,将可能影响本文所载声明的准确性。However, changes in the law or practice of taxation, exchange control and other regulations are always possible and may affect the validity of statements made.

针对2005年出现的不良天气,参议院农业灾害修定条例将向作物种植者和牲畜养殖者提供资金援助。The Senate agriculture disaster amendment would provide both crop and livestock producers with financial assistance for weather-related problems suffered in 2005.

后经规则修定,现在参加这技艺竞赛表现优秀的学生,有机会免试保送大学。After revisions in the regulations, all talented students that participate in this Skills Competition will have the chance to enter university without having to take exams.

近几年JNC7、欧洲高血压防治指南和中国高血压防治指南对高血压的诊断标准进行了修定,同样对难治性高血压进行了明确的定义。In recent years, JNC7, Europe's prevention and cure guide of hypertension as well as China's prevention and cure guide of hypertension has revised diagnostic code of hypertension.

确实,英国男子不愿捐精,因为有一个法律修定允许捐赠的精子或卵子生出的孩子在他们18周岁时获知捐赠者的姓名。Rather, British men are reluctant to donate because of a legislative change that allows children conceived with donated sperm or eggs to learn the name of the donor when they turn 18.

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在诉讼中,法庭坚持认为,第14条修正案的法律程序赋予了修定合同的自由,政府不应该对工人进行硬性的保护。In each case, the court insisted that the due-process clause of the 14th Amendment guaranteed liberty of contract, which prevented the government from imposing worker protections like these.

这两位特使出访巴基斯坦就华盛顿对塔利班和阿盖达组织修定策略进行商讨。Qureshi was speaking at a news conference alongside two US envoys, Richard Holbrooke and Adm Mike Mullen, who were in Islamabad to discuss Washington's revised strategy against Taliban and Al Qaeda.

美国财政部证实已与瑞士政府达成协议,将修定一双向所得税协定,促进资讯交换,以打击透过海外帐户逃漏税.The U.S. Treasury confirmed it reached a deal with the Swiss government to revise a two-way income tax treaty to boost an information exchange aimed at combating tax evasion through offshore accounts.