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旅游业在走下坡路,许多酒店惨淡经营,入不敷出。Tourism are down and many hotels are operating in the red.

由于物价的上涨,很多年轻夫妻是入不敷出。With prices rising, many young couples are unable to make ends meet.

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行业内小旅行社入不敷出,大旅行社枝繁叶茂。Within the industry large agencies gained at the expense of smaller ones.

资金入不敷出,我很为生意犯愁。There's more money going out than coming in, I'm worried about the business.

因为几乎入不敷出,她把牛奶,鸡蛋,甚至水果当成“奢侈”品。Hardly making ends meet, she sees milk, eggs, and even fruit as "luxury" items.

幸运的是,这个家庭并没有因此而欠债,但是他们已经有点入不敷出了。Luckily, the family is not getting into debt, but they are getting stressed out.

因为格林先生入不敷出,所以一家人只好省吃简用。The Greens had economize because Mr. Green's income could hardly cover the expenses.

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还有些人可能仍然会勉强入不敷出,在“免租”期间均匀。Still others may still be barely making ends meet even during the "rent free" period.

如果经营入不敷出,那么我们可能永远也看不到真正的月球勘探。If the benefits don't outweigh the costs, we might never see bona fide lunar prospecting.

我们的前教会知道我是一个入不敷出的单亲家长就把这份礼券送给了我们全家。Our former church gave it to my family, knowing I'm a single parent trying to make ends meet.

然而,从长远来看,这会让你感觉不充实,虚浮,入不敷出。However, in the long run it leaves you feeling unfulfilled, fat and financially over extended.

比如说,詹姆斯·麦迪逊和托马斯·杰斐逊,渐渐入不敷出,去世时债台高筑。James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, for instance, fell from financial grace and died awash in debts.

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有些人认为房市和股市是只赚不赔的买卖,有些人则入不敷出。Some people viewed housing and the stock markets as never-can-lose gambits. Others spent far more than they had.

可是现在军队力量已经耗尽,举国忧愁,财政入不敷出而且民主党的主要成员又犹豫不决。But now the troops are exhausted, the country is anxious, the money is spent and the Democratic majorities are teetering.

在美国,我们看到增长的引擎开始转动,但很多人仍然找不到工作,入不敷出。In America, we see the engine of growth beginning to churn, and yet many still struggle to find a job or pay their bills.

有时候你能大赚一笔,但是也有些时候那绵薄的收入相对于你投入的时间成本而言是入不敷出的。Sometimes it pays off handsomely but other times the earnings, given the hours you put in, don’t even add up to minimum wage.

这个词是指中国年轻人入不敷出,于是要“啃”父母的积蓄。" The term refers to Chinese youth who don't earn enough to pay the bills, and thus end up "gnawing" through their parents' savings.

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美国必须通过减少公众的入不敷出和通过增加家庭储蓄来解决结构性的储蓄不足。The United States has to tackle its structural lack of savings both by reducing public dissaving and by increasing household savings.

但由于工资涨幅难以跟上物价上涨的速度,过去35年美国人堆积了更多的债务,而且入不敷出。But as wages have barely kept up with rising prices over the past 35 years Americans have pushed debt higher, living beyond their means.

据国内媒体近日报道,由于缺乏合格的捐精者,全国各地的精子库已出现入不敷出的现象。China's sperm banks have failed to satisfy the growing demand due to a lack of qualified semen donors, domestic media reported recently.