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军工品质,民品价格!!!Military quality, civilian price!

所以,近年来开发一些民品的项目。Therefore, in recent years developed a number of civilian projects.

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在1989年,公司制定了长期的民品开发战略规划。At 1989, CAC has formulated the CPDS and implemented it for morn than ten years.

美国的民品制造商们也可以,随时间推移,按需要生产军火。American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well.

本文还综述了含钪铝合金在军事和民品方面的应用。In this paper, an outline of their military and civil potential applications were also presented.

经过多年发展,前卫厂逐步形成了军品、民品共同发展的局面。It form gradually common development situation in munitions and civilian product by many years effort.

第三部分,应用SWOT方法对四海工业总公司的民品企业进行了分类。The third part makes a classification to the civil product company of the described example by using SWOT way.

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某航天企业属于航天科技集团,响应国家军转民和集团公司发展民品的号召,开始大力发展民品。An enterprise belongs to the aerospace industry, it responded to the policy and began to develop the public products.

公司生产的军、民品曾多次获得国家、部级奖,在国内外享有极高的声誉。These products have won State-class and Ministry-class prizes for many times and obtained high reputation at home and abroad.

军工科研院所民品产业化发展需要不断进行体系创新,才能适应市场经济发展的需求。The key to developing Civil Production Industrialization in military research institute is to improve innovative system continually.

人们在选购商品时越来越关注产品的外观,所以民品生产企业对产品外观的重视程度甚至超过了产品的功能和结构。People are paying more attention to the appearance of production. So the appearance is more concerned than the function and structure.

兴办实体,扩大市场,并提出了不同阶段民品工作的指导思想和工作原则。The respective guiding ideologies and operating principles during different stages raised by the paper are also valuable for reference.

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民品市场是军工企业新的发展环境,必然要求新的企业文化与之相适应。The market of civilian productions is becoming a new environment for defense enterprises, hence the requirements for a new enterprise culture.

紫外探测器在军事高科技和民品市场的紫外通信和成像方面具有很高的价值。The ultraviolet detectors have wide applications in the field of ultraviolet communication and image of both military technology and commerce market.

计划年底开工,五年建成,力争将该园建成三江航天集团的民品、科研开发、生产销售基地。Endeavor will be made to build this park to a base of civil-use goods, science research and development and production and marketing for Sanjiang Space Group.

公司的环境优美,生产检测装备、人员素质和管理水平完全满足军品和高品质民品的需要。Our production equipments, educational level of employees and managerial skill completely meet the requirements of high-quality military and civilian products.

第四章从湖南省兵器工业集团有限公司的现实情况出发,根据战略分析和战略选择,提出了民品发展战略七个方面的具体实施意见。Chapter 4 puts forward seven aspect actualizing opinions according to the actual condition, the strategic analysis and the strategic selection of the corporation.

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展示民生的人生轨迹、演绎民情的变幻风云、叹咏民俗的眷情恋歌、泼染民品的水墨丹青,是新时期湖南文学最显著的地域特色。The most remarkable local characteristics of Hunan's literature in the new periods are to display common people's life, the local manners and practices and their works.

主营方型塑壳混合动力汽车用镍氢动力电池以及高、精、尖、特色军工、民品、工业配套用圆柱型镍氢电池。The main business of the company is molded hybrid nickel-hydrogen batteries for automobiles and advanced cylindrical Ni-MH battery used for military, civilian, industrial.

国防科技工业在开发民品过程中,还开展广泛的国际合作,到1994年,已建立各类中外合资企业300余家。The defense industry has cooperated extensively with foreign partners in developing products for civilian use. By 1994, over 300 such joint ventures had been established in China.