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对我来说,它就是转台。For me, it was turntables.

某精密测试转台的设计。Design of a Precise Test Revolusion Plat.

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我转台到独立电影频道。I turned to the Independent Film Channel.

你能不能不要平昔转台啊?Could you stop flipping the chpowerfulnels?

他讨厌动画片,所以每次看见了他都转台。He hates cartoons, so every time he sees them he.

最后给出了光纤陀螺对转台角速率测试的下限。And the minimum angular rate of the test was given.

看不了几分钟,就让人想转台。Can not look at a few minutes, most people would like to turntable.

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转台拥有2个可调元件用于定心。The turntable possesses 2 adjusting elements for the basic centring.

你能全年混淆音乐,并成为转台上的明星吗?Saurez- you mix the tube of the year and become a star of turntables?

第三,在地面进行加速度计的三轴转台实验。Test the accelerometers which is fixed in three-axis rotary table on the ground.

时间码乙烯基是特别记录,您可以发挥任何标准转台。Timecode Vinyls are special records that you can play on any standard turntable.

介绍了一种气浮转台无线测控系统设计方案。A wireless measurement and control system on air-bearing turntable is introduced.

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三轴转台是测试惯性元件的关键设备之一。Three-axis table is one of the key measuring equipment of the inertial component.

从出生草拟的桌子,它的本质是精雕细琢转台。Born from the draftsman's table, it has the essence of a finely crafted turntable.

上部转台是全回转式,因此它可在一个更大的范围内工作。Upside the turnplate is the entire rotation , thereof it may work in a greater scope.

转台转速高,其旋转的转速达到高速压片机的要求,产量高,能满足大批量生产的要求,京郊旅游。The production capacity is large and can meet the demand of big-scale batch production.

移动-代表了所有可能尺寸的转台,车台,驱动和控制系统。Moving – means turntables of all possible sizes, stage wagons, Drive and control systems.

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转台中有一很重的球使旋转并有一坚固的铁制基座。It is equipped with heavy-duty ball bearings and rests on a heavy, stable, cast-iron base.

定量分析了载体的横纵摇对天线指向的影响,为定向天线转台采用一维形式提供了依据。The quantitative influence caused by the pitching and rolling of the motion ship is analyzed.

仿真转台是导弹半实物仿真的关键设备之一。Flight motion simulator is one of the key devices for mis sile hardware in the loop simulation.