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你面前的选择是网络上的百事通或者真人的旅游专家。You have these online generalists and these individual specialists.

格雷斯老是在改正旁人,她感觉本身是百事通。Grace is always correcting other people. She thellonks she's a know-it-all.

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号码百事通业务是面向公众客户和企业客户推出的一项语音信息咨询业务。BEST TONE is voice message consult service for public users and enterprise users.

芬克尔斯坦表示,“无论年龄多大,永远不要以一副百事通的形象示人。"You never want to come across as a know-it-all, no matter what age you are, " notes Finkelstein.

最后,结合通信行业发展趋势,对号码百事通业务进行展望,并对全文进行总结。Finally, gives the outlook of BEST TONE with the full picture of Telecommunication Industry trends.

而号码百事通业务则是中国电信提出的转型标志性业务之一。So the "Best Tone" is one of transforming symbol business. The research is focused on SL corporation.

百事通与高圣希望通过与中国合作伙伴的合作,能够在中国获得达成协议的优势。By tying up with Chinese partners, Blackstone and Goldman hope to gain an advantage in securing deals in China.

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我们的百事通抓住了谈话的只言片语,就决定自己无论如何也要掺合进去。Our know-it-all managed to catch only snatches of the conversation but was determined to include herself anyway.

论文百事通其次,网络文化影响人们的心灵特别是青少年的健康成长。Overall thesis Secondly, the network culture influences people's mind, especially the healthy growth of the youth.

你知道吗,比如中国在百事通集团和其他私人股本公司和对冲基金上投资了数十亿美金。Did you know, for example, that China has invested billions in the Blackstone Group and other private equity firms and hedge funds?

百事通是一家专业信息技术服务公司,主要致力于软件开发、系统集成。Knowledgeable person is a professional information technology services company focused on software development, systems integration.

BG的母公司百事通国际有限公司,由于近年来多方位的发展,在2006年须要将近年来在中国超摩赛事内非常成功的BG车队分成两个各自独立的赛车车队来参加中国超摩赛事。Due to the Multi-point development of BG's parent company Beston Global Ltd, in 2006 The highly successful BG team has became 2 separate Teams racing in the China Super Bike Events.

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“旅游百事通”以“诚信经营用心服务”为经营理念,以集团化运作为经营核心,现已植根于全国十二省市,旗下全国公司的员工总数达500余人。With an operation idea of "faith and care", and a group-based operation core, "Traveling Bestone" has expanded to 12 provinces and municipalities in China, with over 500 employees in total.

与此同时,电信号码百事通系统作为沟通用户与企业的桥梁,积累了海量的呼叫记录数据,如何对记录数据进行有效的知识发现,是平台设计的基础。At the same time, as a bridge of users and companies, Best Tone system of China Telecom has accumulated vast record datas and the platform is based on knowledge discovery of the record data.

本课题从用户消费需求、管理需求、传媒广告需求以及其他信息需求四个方面对号码百事通相关业务进行市场定位分析和重点业务选择。According to user desire, this research analyze the market positioning of Best Tone related businesses and key business selection from consumption, management, media, and other information aspects.

百事通在许多公司持有股权,而那些公司很有可能私人股本公司的运营技能中受益,百事通希望借此优势能与上海市政府合作。Blackstone's partner is expected to be the Shanghai municipal government, which has stakes in numerous companies that could potentially benefit from the private equity group's operational expertise.