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交货付款是我们通常的方法!C. O. D is our usual way !

我们为交货量短缺向贵公司致歉。We are sorry for the brief delivery.

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你们最快什么时候可以交货?What is the soonest you can deliver?

保质保量,按时交货。Excellent quality , on time delivery.

十分负疚,交货稽迟了。I'm very sorry for delay in delivery.

你方的钻机能否早点交货。Could you deliver the drillers sooner?

希望如此,如果现在定货,什么时候交货。I hope so. If I order now , when deliver?

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我们最早的交货日期是十月。Our earliest time of delivery is October.

那么我们对交货日期达成一致。We are agreed on the delivery date, then.

你可以选择Y港作为交货港。You may choose Porty as port of shipment.

我公司的产品品种齐全,交货及时。My company's product range, prompt delivery.

2交货由一辆机动车完成。The delivery is carried out by a vehicle. 2.

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所以的价格都是上海港船上交货价。All the prices are on the FOB Shanghai basis.

所有的价格都是上海港船上交货价。All the prices are on the FOB shanghai basis.

这是暂时的船上交货价目表。Here is a tentative free on board price list.

交货的内容都在这份合同的条款中。Delivery is within the terms of this contract.

我认为它赢得了\'吨需要很长时间才能交货。I think it won't need a long time to delivery.

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我们向你方报三天有效确盘,装运港船上交货价。We offer you firm for three days on FOB basis.

客户协调及客户订单的准时交货。Customer service for on time call-off delivery.

这是我们船上交货价的价目单.所报价格没有约束力.basis. The prices are given without engagement.