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把药面均等称开。To scale medicinal powder.

公平的机会均等。Fair equality of opportunity.

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它们均等地分隔在这个模型中。They're evenly spaced in this model.

争夺冠军的两名选手得胜的机会均等。Odds have evened between the champions.

如果一个西瓜被切为均等的四块。A watermelon is cut into four equal pieces.

我们给了这五个孩子每人均等的一份。We gave each of the five children an equal share.

在均等就业机会委员会,这种事情发生在他里面的办公室。The incidents occurred in his inner office at the EEOC.

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哪一个转盘他们两个赢的机会是均等的?Which spinner gives Kathy and Kym an equal chance of winning?

争夺冠军的两名选手得胜的机会均等。Odds have evened between the contestants for the championship.

我们有一套均等,间隔的能级,没用上限。We have a whole set of evenly spaced energy levels. Never ends.

美国和日本的教育助学制度以“教育成本分担”和“教育机会均等”为基本理念。The basic ideas of the grant-aided educational system in U. S. A.

所有这些的目标被我们称为“机会均等运动”。The goal of all this is what we call "equal opportunity activism."

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当我们一起聊天的时候每个人都有均等的发言的机会。When we went to chats together everyone had equal time to converse.

改革开放以前我国是一个均等化程度较高的社会。China was a society with high equality before the reform and opening-up.

中国还没有开设一所为拜金男提供均等机会的学校。China has yet to launch an equal-opportunity school for male gold-diggers.

罗尔斯称,他们转而拥护一种公平的机会均等的系统Rawls argues, are lead to embrace a system of fair equality of opportunity.

丹麦残疾政策的目标是机会均等。The objective of Danish disability policy is equalisation of opportunities.

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要素价格均等化定理是国际贸易理论中的重要定理。"Equalization of Factor prices"theorem is a significant one of world trade.

他还将“机会均等”介绍给高质量的英语学习者。This will also introduce "equal opportunity" to high-quality English learning.

通常情况下,如果其它方面都均等的话,一个较大的金鱼比较小的分数要高。Generally, other things being equal, a larger fish will outscore a smaller one.