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这一切给弗吉尼亚州北部地区的环境规划带来巨大改观。As a result, environmental planning in Northern Virginia has been transformed.

对每一类环境规划,环境改善均随投入的增加而迅速减少。For each of these pro-grains, environmental improvement rapidly decreased with the increase of the input.

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将可持续发展思想纳入环境规划,使之成为实现可持续发展战略的有效工具不仅是必要的,而且是可行的。It is necessary and feasible to bring the ideas of SD into EP and make it an efficient instrument for SD.

在城市建设和环境规划中,塑木材料被广泛应用在路、亭、围栏、走道等室外景观中。The Compound Wood is widely used in Outdoor Buildings. Such as Roadside, Bridge, Pavilion, Bar, and Corridor.

根据邻避症候群的解析,本文最后一部分提出环境规划及管理上之应用。Based on the re-examination of the NIMBY ism, this article proposes several planning and management implications.

在河流环境规划和管理中,经常采用一维的物质迁移模型。For environmental planning and management in river watershed, one-dimensional mass transport model is often used.

居住区室外环境规划设计是目前风景园林设计行业占较大比重的环节。The planning and design of residential area outdoor environment account for a larger proportion of the landscape design industry.

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奥申斯基博士的教学及研究领域广泛涉及土地使用、环境规划,并着重强调规划的自然风险。Dr. Olshansky's teaching and research cover land use and environmental planning, with an emphasis on planning for natural hazards.

土地利用规划是生态环境规划的重要一环,也是环境区划的基础。Land use planning is an important part of ecological environmental planning, and it is the foundation of environmental district too.

最后本文对万科水晶城的环境规划与生态环境评价体系进行了分析与总结。Finally, Vanke Crystal City on the environmental planning and evaluation system of ecological environment are analyzed and summarized.

城市主干道、公路、河道两侧均应结合周边环境规划建设道路公园,滨河公园。Urban roads, highways, rivers on both sides should be integrated environmental planning and construction of roads surrounding park riparian park.

10多年来,美国弗吉尼亚州北部地区的地方官员与欧洲同行一直在相互交流在地区环境规划中的种种创新做法。For more than a decade, local officials from Northern Virginia and counterparts from Europe have traded regional environmental planning innovations.

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许多农民也热心帮助熊蜂,通过自然英国的农耕环境规划把部分耕地退还作花地。Many farmers are keen to help the bumblebees and return some of their land back to flower-rich areas via Natural England's agri-environment schemes.

人们希望这项举措将促进环境规划,并认为它有益于相关环境规则的有效执行。It is hoped the move will accelerate environmental projects, and is seen to be conducive to effective implementation of environment-related regulations.

在了解了生态环境规划的理论、方法和程序的基础上,对呼伦贝尔市生态环境规划进行实证研究。On the basis of the understanding of the these theories, methods and procedures, empirical research of zoology environment layout in the Hulunbuir city.

费尔南达和我是在不同大楼的不同组里,我在环境规划组而她在农村规划组。Fernanda and I are in different groups and in different buildings. I'm in the environmental planning group while she's in the countryside planning group.

④城市步行环境规划必须明确观念、原则、对象,抓落实.勤管理。Fourthly, urban pedestrian environment planning must have clear concept, principle and object. Implementation and management have to be paid attention to.

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本研究提出了一套能将社会因子与生态因子整合于生态系经营或环境规划的实用方法。The objective of this study is to propose a practical approach to integrating social and ecological factors in ecosystem management or environmental planning.

叙述了传统的形体规划局限在住房与环境规划之中,无法满足老龄化社区的适居性。And the traditional shape planning is limited to housing and environmental program, which can not satisfy the requirement of community habitability of old age.

本公司的主要服务范围包括城市开放空间,社区环境规划和景观建筑设计等。We provide services for a wide variety of project types including parks, highways, residential landscape, business zone, resorts, hotels and office buildings, etc.