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你从什么时候起赶新潮来的?When have you switched on?

马提尼代表着酷和新潮。A martini defined cool and modern.

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我完全赞成要保持激情与新潮。I’m all for staying hip and relevant.

看,这条皮带有够新潮吧?Look, isn't this belt just so stylin'?

电动自行车会成为新潮'通勤车'吗?Will E-Bikes Be The New 'Commuter Cool'?

她的新的夜礼服是巴黎时装中最新潮的。Her new dress is the fashionest one in Paris.

她不住地热烈赞扬你的新潮服装。She kept rhapsodizing about your new fashions.

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1925年,穿着高跟鞋的新潮女子。These flappers wears their high heels in 1925.

昨晚我们看了一场新潮派的电影。We went to see an avantgarde movie last night.

双屏幕概念并不新潮。The two-screen concept isn't exactly a new one.

如果你穿些新潮的衣服打扮一下,你会是个帅小伙。You will be a boy if you some fashionable clothes.

“滑雪板要比滑雪新潮,”他说。"Snowboarding is much newer than skiing, " he said.

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她的新的夜礼服是巴黎时装中最新潮的。Her new evening dress is the last word in Paris fashion.

新潮社是一颗被遗忘的金沙骊珠。The Group of New Trend is a pearl which has been forgot.

新潮妈咪的一站式网上母婴用品专店!Your One-Stop Online Baby Store For All Parenting Needs!

碧波摇影寻旧梦,青楼游客追新潮。Bibo shake shadow dream hunt, chase trendy brothel visitors.

其中新潮的刺青和波波头也是时髦元素的一部分。This funky fashionista features trendy tattoos and a pink bob.

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那是一家墙上挂着很成心思的绘画的新潮餐馆。It is a funky restaurant with very interesting art on the walls.

满座济南站专为商务人士量打造的新潮商务酒店!Designed for business people to create new business hotel is the!

罗家伦是新潮社发起成立的关键人物。Luo Jialun is a critical figure who founds the Xinchao Community.