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女士,起来吧,回到你的小骏马上!Come on, lady!

骏马在草原上奔驰。Sturdy steeds gallop on the grasslands.

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牛羊骏马在这里怡然自得。Cattle, sheep and horses graze leisurely.

这匹骏马在广阔的草原上奔跑腾跃。The steed ran and pranced on the prairie.

金骏马值,千金得美人。Gold horse value, daughter have to beauty.

骑着驴骡思骏马。Those who ride donkeys long for stallions.

象出发前的骏马,总有些战栗。And, trembling like a steed before the start.

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一匹骏马在大草原上奔驰。A fine horse is running fast on the grassy plain.

巨大的花岗岩骏马为皇家宫殿平添几分威仪。A giant granite horse that graced an emperor's palace.

不错,你的腿,像绿草地上的骏马的舞蹈。Yes, your legs, like horses' dancing on the green grass.

骏马比参赛的其它所有的马都要好看。His magnificent horse outlook all the others in the race.

这匹骏马象征我们晏家明天更加美好!The horses symbolize our syncline home more beautiful tomorrow!

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伯乐立即从声音中判断出,这是一匹难得的骏马。Bole immediately determine from the voice, which is a rare horse.

让我变成美丽的骏马,和你驰骋在天涯。Let me turn the beautiful steed, gallops with you in the horizon.

背面瓷板为八匹骏马奔驰,画面用油彩绘成,显得十分壮观。The back side is a greasepaint picture of eight horses galloping.

我梦见棕色的骏马,发亮的鬈毛在风中飞扬。I dreamed of a chestnut steed tossing its glossy mane in the wind.

我的佳偶啊!我把你比作套在法老车上的骏马。I have compared thee, O my love, To a steed in Pharaoh's chariots.

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先后获全国第一届和第二届文学“骏马奖”。He gained the First and the Second national literary "Horse Award".

就在这千钧一发之际,从树林中猛然奔出一匹白色的骏马。At this juncture, from the woods suddenly rush out of a white horse.

伯乐立即从声音中判断出,这是一匹难得的骏马。Bole to immediately determine from the voice, which is a rare horse.