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有一些学生已经从本系毕业了。A number of students have graduated from this department.

惩罚性赔偿本系英美法中的一项制度。Punitive damages is a legal system of Anglo-American law.

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目的是为了让校内、校外人仕了解本系最新近况。In order to let the public know more about our department.

本系对此一课程另有施行细则规范。In addition, the details of this course are enacted in a bylaw.

本系所的目的是成为教育和研究领域的领导者。The Department's mission is to be a leader in education and research.

本系所现有二百多台维护精良的精密仪器。There are more than 200 well-maintained instruments in the department.

是的。我的英语成绩总是排在本系前三名。Yes, my English scores were always on the top three of our department.

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九十八学年度本系硕、博士班招生委员会委员名单,提请讨论。A. Discussion of suggested members of the MA and PhD Admission Committee.

本系研究生修习所有科目须事先与指导教授讨论。Students in Ph. D. program need to discuss the course plan with advisors.

第三十条若因故无法从本系顺利毕业,则凭收据自行办理退费。Thirty If cannot graduate from our department, according receipt withdraw fees.

他本系-英语系-和文理学院院长全表决要辞退他。His department-English-and the Dean of Arts and Sciences had voted to dismiss him.

本系中长程师资聘用计画,提请讨论。B. Discussion on the medium to long-term faculty recruitment plan of the Department.

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在过去的两年里我一直担任本系英语报的一名编辑。In the past two years, I have been an editor for the English Paper of my department.

并和同学一起负责本系网页的编辑和维护工作。And students and a charge of the Department of the editorial page and maintenance work.

另外从信件的语句和用词来看,我不相信这是本系教授写的信。Because of the wording used in the letter I doubt it is from one of our own Professors.

介绍了本系在传感器原理课教学改革方面的一些探索和尝试。Some research of our department on reforming the sensor principle lesson is introduced.

本系不论教学和研究上,都朝著国际化发展。In both teaching and research, the department takes internationalism as the primary goal.

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他一到本系工作,我就认识他,已经好几年了。I have known him quite well for several years since he first came to work in our department.

各科审定内容依本系课程大纲为准。The content for inspection in each course will depend on the course syllabi in the department.

课程是本系电子商务学程中的高阶课程。E-Business Establishment"is the higher level course of the "E-Commerce"study in this department.