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他的统治风头正盛。His rule had begun better.

雷欧在舞台上总是抢风头。Leo is a real ham on stage.

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哇,你今天可真出了风头了。Wow, you really showed off today.

三是安排林外出躲避风头。Lin fled away to avoid further trouble.

哇,你当今可真出了风头了。Wow, you rewhichley clarifyed off heeasystays.

风头鹦鹉「雪球」酷爱「新好男孩」。Snowball the cockatoo just loves the Backstreet Boys.

那么那些年轻的天才是如何抢了那些年老大师的风头?So how did the young geniuses upstage the old masters?

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那个歌手在这个小镇的舞台上出尽了风头。That singer cut a swath on the stage in the small town.

请注意,我是说风头好的时候,我们很快会回来讨论这个的。Notice I said when the wind is right. We’ll come back to that.

嘿,我一天到晚出尽了风头——也可以说是独领风骚吧。Why, I just swam in glory all day long- that is the amount of it.

当时女性流行音乐风头正劲,阿拉尼斯大获成功。At a time where female pop music was at its peak, Alanis was a hit.

打扮不能比新娘艳丽,抢了新娘的风头,但是也不能太过于随便。Bride dress not showy, upstage the bride, but can not be too casual.

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老兄,有他那样男人在旁边,我们怎么出得了风头啊!Man how are guys like us supposed to score with someone like him around?

他全然还是一位沟通大师,就像其在2008年初风头最劲的时候一样。He is every bit the master communicator he was in his heyday of early 2008.

推销员告诉我这款小车在欧洲正出尽风头。the salesman told me that this type of car was stealing the show in Europe.

作为陪衬的绿叶,既不能抢了新娘的风头,又要能称得起场面。As a foil leaves, neither to upstage the bride, but also can call the scene.

在10月16日的阿尔-史密斯的纪念晚宴上,麦凯恩妙语连珠,同样抢尽了风头。He also brought the house down at the Al Smith memorial dinner on October 16th.

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浓郁的自制的辅料几乎抢了香脆的莴笋的风头。A tangy, homemade dressing nearly steals the show from the crisp-tender asparagus.

年仅13岁的伊恩·索普在澳大利亚的游泳各项赛事中占居优势的地位出尽风头。When he was only 13, Ian Thorpe dominated a major Australian swimming competition.

在每场婚礼上,总有一位闪耀的宾客想大胆地抢走新娘的风头。At every wedding, there is always one glamorous guest who risks upstaging the bride.