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特赦令是在美国和英国的斡旋之下达成的。The amnesty, which was brokered by the U.

过敏反应性可能是抗体-或细胞-斡旋。Allergy can be antibody- or cell-mediated.

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这场争端通过第三国的斡旋而得以解决。The dispute was settled by mediation of the third country.

看不下去的叶子努力斡旋,不让两人对战。Mediation efforts could not stand the leaves, let the two battle.

此前,各方在南非的斡旋下进行了几个月的谈判。The accord follows months of negotiations mediated by South Africa.

外长在两个交战国之间进行积极的斡旋。The minister of foreign affairs mediated between two warring countries.

一年多来,土耳其一直在特拉维夫和大马士革之间进行斡旋。Turkey for more than a year has mediated between Tel Aviv and Damascus.

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甘巴里注意到北京在斡旋过程中具有建设性的贡献。Gambari notes Beijing's constructive contribution to mediation on the issue.

这个协议是在南非的斡旋下,经过几星期的谈判达成的。The agreement was reached after weeks of bargaining mediated by South Africa.

中国支持联合国秘书长以及甘巴里先生的斡旋努力。China supports the mediation work of Mr. Gambari and the UN Secretary-General.

与俄罗斯斡旋确立中亚边境以及剿灭蒙古人。Negotiations with Russia fix the Central Asian frontier, and doom the Mongols.

中东地区的停火协议在为期一周的高层外交斡旋中可能即将产生。A Middle East ceasefire could be in the offing during a week of high diplomacy.

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罗斯福派来了自己的行政助理居里博士作为特使居中斡旋。It took Roosevelt's personal envoy, Dr. Lauchlin Currie, to broker a compromise.

也门胡塞反政府武装及其盟友的代表们表示,将参加经联合国斡旋在科威特举行的和平谈判。Delegations from Yemen's Houthi rebels and their allies now say they will join U. N.

据报导,伊朗已经拒绝了由联合国斡旋的一项铀浓缩计划。Iran is reported to have rejected a United Nations-brokered uranium enrichment plan.

斡旋受贿的立法规定需要重新定位。The legislation of the crime of mediatory acceptance of bribe needs reconsideration.

斡旋受贿的构成一直是有争议的问题。The constitution of mediatory acceptance of bribe has always been a problem at issue.

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哥本哈根的外交斡旋是否能让地球远离这个可怕的临界点?Can a diplomatic miracle in Copenhagen save the planet from the dreaded tipping point?

在佛洛依德的自我理论中,自我斡旋于本我、超我和外部世界之间。In Freud's theory, the ego mediates among the id, the super-ego and the external world.

阿里亚斯的提议是明智的,这也正是为什么他的斡旋仍是最好的出路。That is why Mr Arias’s mediation still offers the best way out. His proposal is sensible.